IDC Big Data and Datacenter Transformation Roadshow in Wien
Dynamic route planning for a sustainable balance between flexibility and foresight in efficient transport handling
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Dynamic measurements on Austria's oldest railway bridge
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„Crowd Dynamics“ – Virtual Reality und Simulationen in der FußgängerInnenplanung
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IT-TRANS – IT trends and innovations for public transport
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Passenger Terminal EXPO 2016 in Cologne
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Biological Barriers
- /en/research-topics/molecular-diagnostics/biological-barriers-1
functional barrier properties (paracellular, transport or metabolic barrier) Long-term studies in dynamic hollow-fiber models for e.g. chronic studies with physiological concentrations of stimuli or active
Innovation Strategies
- /en/solutions/innovation-strategies
People develp new products, ideas and Innovation Systems & Digitalisation read more Innovation Dynamics & Modelling read more × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail
Sustainable & flexible Manufacturing Systems
- /en/solutions/sustainable-flexible-manufacturing-systems
Group Complex Dynamical Systems × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Tobias Glück Head of Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems Center [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Martin Niederer Senior Research Engineer Complex Dynamical Systems Center VAC +43 664 88256031 martin.niederer(at)ait.ac.at To the Center for Vision, Automation [...] Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive & Autonomous Systems Complex Dynamical Systems
Learning & Adaptive Mechatronic Systems
- /en/solutions/learning-adaptive-mechatronic-systems
Group Complex Dynamical Systems × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Tobias Glück Head of Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems Center [...] markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Markus Gurtner Research Engineer Complex Dynamical Systems Center VAC +43 664 8529503 markus.gurtner(at)ait.ac.at To the Center for Vision, Automation [...] Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive & Autonomous Systems Complex Dynamical Systems
Cardiovascular Diagnostics
- /en/research-topics/cardiovascular-diagnostics
combination of research and implementation provides our partners with the necessary flexibility in a dynamic and international field dominated by high ethical and regulatory standards. Projects Cardiovascular
- /en/research-topics/ai-machine-learning
which we then implement. Reinforcement Learning & Approximate Dynamic Programming In theory, multistage decision problems can be solved by dynamic programming (DP), a method for determining optimal control [...] y intractable. We address and overcome this hurdle using reinforcement learning and approximate dynamic programming . Both produce suboptimal policies/control inputs with, however, sufficiently adequate [...] Selecting and training the right model for the right task allows us to solve problems such as static or dynamic regression, predictive maintenance, and outlier or anomaly detection. Model Selection & Assessment
- /en/research-topics/system-design-modelling-identification
Group Complex Dynamical Systems × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Tobias Glück Head of Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems Center [...] relations and interactions, boundaries and interfaces, dominant nonlinearities, as well as their dynamic behaviour and its relevant time scales. Furthermore, we assess deterministic or stochastic behaviour [...] highly innovative automation systems are mathematical models of the underlying system. Complex dynamical systems are characterised by challenging properties like nonlinearities, multiple-inputs-multip
Control, Planning & Decision-Making
- /en/research-topics/control-planning-decision-making
(e.g., PID) still dominate the current industrial standard for the control of real-world complex dynamical systems. Linear controllers disallow systematic consideration of the system-inherent properties [...] Lösung Sustainable & Optimal Manufacturing Systems Research Groups Involved Research Group Complex Dynamical Systems Research Group High-Performance Vision Systems × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit [...] markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Tobias Glück Head of Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems Center VAC +43 664 88256087 tobias.glueck(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder
Inline Computational Imaging
- /en/research-topics/high-performance-vision-systems/inline-computational-imaging
overall accuracy and robustness. By choosing the number of viewing angles, the user can decide dynamically on the ratio between speed and accuracy. × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert
Research Topics
- /en/research-topics
Systems Cooperative Digital Technologies Cyber Security Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Dynamic Transportation Systems Electric Vehicle Technologies Enabling Digital Technologies Health Solutions [...] Protection in Mobility & Transport Battery Materials & Characterization Battery Technologies Structural Dynamics and Assessment Bioresources Biosignal Processing Capturing Experience Cardiovascular Diagnostics [...] efficiency power electronics Hybrid Electric Aircraft Technologies Hybrid Power Plants Innovation Dynamics & Modelling Innovation Policy & Transformation Innovation Systems & Digitalisation Integrated Digital
Perception, Localisation & Mapping
- /en/research-topics/perception-localisation-mapping
to handle objects, require detailed maps with a semantic segmentation of the content, as well as dynamic updating to capture the scenarios correctly. The maps can be created and adjusted by sensors such [...] Research Groups Involved Research Group Assistive & Autonomous Systems Forschungsgruppe Complex Dynamical Systems Selected Projects Autility / Smarter Hopper Arctis / HARV-EST ODAS Straßenbahnassistenzsystem [...] Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive & Autonomous System Complex Dynamical Systems
Consumer Protection
- /en/research-topics/data-science-artificial-intelligence/solutions-services/consumer-protection
protection related topics reaching from gender specific inequalities in the field of personal and dynamic pricing to the automated flagging of fraudulent eCommerce in the DACH region. × Kontakt Formular
5G wireless Ultra-Reliable low-latency communications
- /en/research-topics/enabling-digital-technologies/solutions-services/wireless-communications/projects-1/5g-wireless-ultra-reliable-low-latency-communications
emerging autonomous and interconnected transport systems (road vehicles and trains), the need for dynamically reconfigurable production lines in collaborative human-robot scenarios of Industry 4.0, and the
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