Service Innovations in Austria II - the Austrian Service Sector
- /en/research-topics/innovation-systems-digitalisation/projects/service-innovations-in-austria-ii-the-austrian-service-sector
Bernhard Dachs Center for Innovation Systems & Policy +43 50550-4563 +43 50550-2201 bernhard.dachs(at)ait.ac.at
Internationalisation of R&D
- /en/research-topics/innovation-systems-digitalisation/projects/internationalisation-of-rd
and Education, SPRU - University of Sussex, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IRCRES) Website: www.ait.ac.at/internationalisation/ Contact : Bernhard Dachs × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem [...] Bernhard Dachs Center for Innovation Systems & Policy +43 50550-4563 +43 50550-2201 bernhard.dachs(at)ait.ac.at
Funding Models for Universities
- /en/research-topics/innovation-systems-digitalisation/projects/funding-models-for-universities
Leitner Center for Innovation Systems & Policy +43 50550-4567 +43 50550-2201 karl-heinz.leitner(at)ait.ac.at
Innovation Inducement Prizes
- /en/research-topics/innovation-systems-digitalisation/projects/innovation-inducement-prizes
Leitner Center for Innovation Systems & Policy +43 50550-4567 +43 50550-2201 karl-heinz.leitner(at)ait.ac.at
Production Technologies
- /en/research-topics/innovation-systems-digitalisation/projects/production-technologies
Advisor | Center for Innovation Systems & Policy +43-50550-4565 +43-50550-2201 wolfram.rhomberg(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/infinity
duration: 36 Months Project partners From Science CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG (Co-ordination) AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Scientific Lead) PCCL Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH [...] funded under the Austrian Energy Research Program, 1st Call, 2014 by the Climate and Energy Funds. AIT contact: Rita Ebner × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff [...] Send Dr. in Rita Ebner Scientist / Photovoltaics +43(0) 50 550-6628 +43(0) 50 550-6390 rita.ebner(at)ait.ac.at
Center for Energy
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-energy
Center for Energy The AIT Center for Energy is developing solutions designed to ensure a innovative energy supply for the future At the Center for Energy, up to 300 experts are working on the energy system [...] cities and urban transformation are both drivers and challenges for the central research questions. The AIT Center for Energy offers innovative and applied research services to its customers and partners such [...] high-quality and specific laboratory infrastructure, many years of experience and scientific excellence of AIT experts*. The know-how and technological competencies are very diverse and range from the exploitation
Center for Transport Technologies
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-transport-technologies
Mobility is a core pillar of human society and therefore a central factor in our economic system. At the AIT Center forTransport Technologies, around 200 experts are working on solutions for sustainable, safe [...] excellence, state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure and many years of international experience enable AIT experts to drive innovations in the field of climate-friendly mobility and thus to serve industry and [...] Head of Center for Transport Technologies | Managing Director LKR +43 50550-6233 christian.chimani(at)ait.ac.at Scientific Engagement Deputy Chair of the A3PS Board Member of EREA Board × Kontakt Formular
Center for Digital Safety & Security
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-digital-safety-security
Digitization An interdisciplinary project team consisting of Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences and AIT (Center for Digital Safety & Security), under the coordination of Wirtschafts-Standort Vorarlberg GmbH [...] Helmut Leopold , PhD Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security +43 50550-4100 helmut.leopold(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht [...] (FH) Michael Mürling Marketing and Communications +43 50550-4126 +43 50550-4150 michael.muerling(at)ait.ac.at
Center for Vision, Automation & Control
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-vision-automation-control
you have any questions, be looking for solutions to problems or be interested in collaborating with AIT. Andreas Vrabl Our Research Groups Research Group Assistive & Autonomous Systems Research Group Complex [...] inspection systems for quality control and for various areas of aviation. Large-Scale Robotics Lab : AIT's own outdoor test facility in Seibersdorf is dedicated to the automation of large-scale robotics and [...] Vrabl , MAS, MSc Head of Center for Vision, Automation & Control +43 664 8157859 andreas.vrabl(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht
Identification, prevention and reduction of organized financial crime
- /en/research-topics/datascienceartificialintelligence/proj/bitcrime
Competence Unit Data Science & Artificial Intelligence +43 50550-4271 +43 50550-4150 ross.king(at)ait.ac.at Links Bitcrime Projektwebsite
Center for Health & Bioresources
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-health-bioresources
ns +43 50550-4406 +43 50550-4450 fabian.purtscher(at)ait.ac.at Partner of AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH is a Partner of EIT Food // AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH is a Partner of [...] Management (BAW), the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics and Mining (BAB), the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the Ecosocial Forum Austria & Europe (ÖSF) as well as the HBLFA Raumberg-G [...] Guenther HoC for Health & Bioresources und HoCU Biomedical Systems +43 50550-4400 elke.guenther(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht
- /en/about-the-ait/center
Infrastructure Topics of the Future The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is Austria’s largest non-university research institution. With its seven Centers, AIT regards itself as a highly specialized [...] the future, based on our motto Tomorrow Today. The activity in the AIT Centers focuses on a small number of strategic research areas. AIT thus creates a clearly defined position within the international
- /en/research-topics/green-processes/projects/kokosan
Betreff * Nachricht * Send PD DI Dr. Gerhard Soja , MSc +43 50550-3450 +43 50550-3442 gerhard.soja(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/green-processes/projects/ferti-mine
Betreff * Nachricht * Send PD DI Dr. Gerhard Soja , MSc +43 50550-3450 +43 50550-3442 gerhard.soja(at)ait.ac.at
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Email-Disclaimer Please be aware that the following applies to all emails received from AIT This email and any attachments thereto are intended for use only by the recipient(s) named herein and may contain [...] of this message is strictly prohibited. Please note that emails are susceptible to modification. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH assumes no liability for any improper or incomplete transmission [...] communication or for any delay in receipt. For data protection related information see: https://www.ait.ac.at/data-protection
- /en/research-topics/green-processes/projects/kustaw
Betreff * Nachricht * Send PD DI Dr. Gerhard Soja , MSc +43 50550-3450 +43 50550-3442 gerhard.soja(at)ait.ac.at
AIT at the Photovoltaic Conference in Villach
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Service Innovation and Innovation in Services
- /en/research-topics/innovation-systems-digitalisation/projects/service-innovation-and-innovation-in-services
the employees of the firm is of paramount importance for the success of service innovation. Projects AIT has analyzed innovation activities in the service sector and service innovations for the industry in [...] Schartinger Center for Innovation Systems & Policy +43 50550-4570 +43 50550-2201 doris.schartinger(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht [...] Bernhard Dachs Center for Innovation Systems & Policy +43 50550-4563 +43 50550-2201 bernhard.dachs(at)ait.ac.at Publications Dachs, B., S. Biege, M. Borowiecki, G. Lay, A. Jäger, and D. Schartinger (2014)
Center for Technology Experience
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-technology-experience
develop methods, tools and frameworks to assess the impact of new technologies. CPUX-F Training @ AIT Let us train you to become an internationally recognized certified expert for Usability and User Experience [...] Dr. Manfred Tscheligi Head of Center for Technology Experience +43 50550-4577 manfred.tscheligi(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht [...] Center for Technology Experience +43 664 88390690 +43 50550-2201 christine.wahlmueller-schiller(at)ait.ac.at
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