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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Based on many years of research and development work on the use of innovative information technologies for disaster control, the COOPERATIVE DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES Competence Unit of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology has implemented the CrowdTasker system to mobilise volunteers in a targeted manner, link them to emergency organisations and subsequently entrust them with customised tasks.

Based on many years of research and development work on the use of innovative information technologies for disaster control, the AIT has implemented the CrowdTasker system to mobilise volunteers in a targeted manner and subsequently entrust them with customised tasks. In order to find the most suitable volunteers for the project, CrowdTasker can address potential participants, taking into account geographical limitations and, if desired, subject to certain skills and qualifications. This makes it possible to address a very specific group as well as to address all participants in the system - depending on their needs and the application at hand. CrowdTasker offers the possibility to address exactly the required persons at the right time at the place of action or to immediately mobilize all available forces in the whole system. Feedback from the field is immediately visualized in a clear and concise manner in an interactive map and statistics to the head of operations or the experts at headquarters.


Areas of application

1) Crowd Tasking enables organizations to assign tasks to volunteers. Depending on the skills of the volunteers, this can be simple transport tasks or complex medical tasks that need to be carried out quickly.

2) Crowd Alerting is used to inform citizens within specific areas about an incident or danger. By selecting specifically who is receiving the information, a high degree of relevance is achieved.

3) Crowd Sourcing supports the process of getting information from volunteers on site in a structured and organized manner. For example, taking a photo from a specific site that might be endangered.