Perception, Localisation & Mapping
- /en/research-topics/perception-localisation-mapping
Solutions Solution Robotic & Autonomous Systems Research Groups Involved Research Group Assistive & Autonomous Systems Forschungsgruppe Complex Dynamical Systems Selected Projects Autility / Smarter Hopper [...] loading and transport processes in logistics (forklifts, cranes) Assistance systems for construction machinery Airspace surveillance and assistance systems for unmanned aerial vehicles Automated removal [...] Autonomous Systems Center VAC +43 664 8157877 manfred.gruber(at)ait.ac.at To the Center for Vision, Automation & Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive & Autonomous System Complex
Learning & Adaptive Mechatronic Systems
- /en/solutions/learning-adaptive-mechatronic-systems
Complex Dynamical Systems × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Tobias Glück Head of Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems Center [...] automation components Mechatronic Design Mechatronic system design is the integrated design of a mechanical and electronic system and its embedded control system. Our mechatronic design methodology consists of [...] Engineer Complex Dynamical Systems Center VAC +43 664 8529503 markus.gurtner(at)ait.ac.at To the Center for Vision, Automation & Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive &
- /en/research-topics/ai-machine-learning
Flexible Manufacturing Systems Solution Learning & Adaptive Mechatronic Systems Research Groups Involved Research Group Complex Dynamical Systems Research Group Assistive & Autonomous Systems × Kontakt Formular [...] Engineer Complex Dynamical Systems Center VAC +43 664 88904331 maximilian.liebetreu(at)ait.ac.at To the Center for Vision, Automation & Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive [...] Assistive & Autonomous Systems Complex Dynamical Systems
Control, Planning & Decision-Making
- /en/research-topics/control-planning-decision-making
Mechatronic Systems Lösung Sustainable & Optimal Manufacturing Systems Research Groups Involved Research Group Complex Dynamical Systems Research Group High-Performance Vision Systems × Kontakt Formular [...] industrial standard for the control of real-world complex dynamical systems. Linear controllers disallow systematic consideration of the system-inherent properties like nonlinearities and couplings. As [...] Engineer Complex Dynamical Systems Center VAC +43 664 88904305 michael.baumgart(at)ait.ac.at To the Center for Vision, Automation & Control To the Research Groups High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive &
- /en/research-topics/system-design-modelling-identification
backbone of highly innovative automation systems are mathematical models of the underlying system. Complex dynamical systems are characterised by challenging properties like nonlinearities, multiple- [...] Complex Dynamical Systems × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Tobias Glück Head of Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems Center [...] Automation & Control To the Research Gropus High-Performance Vision Systems Assistive & Autonomous Systems Complex Dynamical Systems
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-power-plants/projects/batteriestabil
ancillary services and network stability The goal of the project is to present how battery systems can contribute to system stability in addition to the contribution for covering the ancillary services in the [...] be provided in combination. Spinning reserve, dynamic-reactive power compensation and symmetrical behavior count to such further ancillary services for system stabilization. Especially the interaction of [...] deduced from previous investigations. The result of the project is to present how battery systems can contribute to system stability in addition to the contribution for covering the ancillary services in the
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-power-plants/projects/feldbatt
flexibilities and amongst them most prominently battery storage systems are considered the be the solution. Especially battery systems are very cost-intensive, which requires an optimal usage of the storage [...] feasibility. As a result, a battery storage system needs to provide a multitude of different services. For the project FeldBatt one single 1 MW storage system with a capacity of 1 MWh is considered, with [...] tariffs for the energy stored into and taken from the battery. To ensure economic feasibility, the transport of electrical energy between prosumers and battery needs to be done via direct lines. The project
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-vision-automation-control/assistive-autonomous-systems/projects/compas
Collision and Overspeed Monitoring and Prevention Assistance System for Tramways Safe tram operation through innovative assistance systems. Detected pedestrian in danger zone © Bombardier Due to the high [...] it has already been shown that driver assistance systems based on obstacle detection can effectively reduce the risk of accidents. For trams, such systems were not yet available in a comparable form due [...] important basis for innovative driver assistance systems. Results from this project are already being used successfully in the existing ODAS collision avoidance system on Bombardier trams. The new localization
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-power-plants/projects/abs4tso
provision of highly dynamic services for frequency and angle stability by means of converter-based generation and storage systems. Based on the analysis of expected future demand for such system services, several [...] achieving system stability, this investigation focuses on the following applications: Frequency stabilization via virtual inertia Provision of highly dynamic control power Damping of system oscillations [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Adolfo Anta , PhD Senior researcher / Electric Energy Systems +43 50550 6031 +43 50550 6390 adolfo.anta(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-vision-automation-control/assistive-autonomous-systems/projects/intelligent-tramways-through-sense-learn-and-react
rolling stock operation. The aim of INTELLiTRAM is to create technology that enables novel assistance systems and, under certain circumstances, automated tram operation. The research approach is to develop modern [...] the tram and railway environment. Through "intelligence" in the recording and interpretation of dynamic traffic scenes, dangerous situations are to be identified even before a potential collision partner [...] operation on factory premises is to be played through as a demonstration. Projectpartner Bombardier Transportation Austria GmbH Mission Embedded GmbH × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-vision-automation-control/assistive-autonomous-systems/projects/safecon-safe-semi-autonomous-convoying
withstanding any weather condition. This means that the autonomous transport vehicles have to be fitted with a correspondingly reliable sensor system that works not only under ideal ambient conditions but also [...] program KIRAS by the Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (federal ministry for transport, innovation and technology) Coordination: FH Technikum Wien Partners: Federal Ministry of Defence [...] E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Christian Zinner Thematic Coordinator Assistive & Autonomous Systems Center VAC +43 664 8251360 christian.zinner(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-vision-automation-control/assistive-autonomous-systems/projects/3d4bombardier-innovative-driver-assistance-system
3D sensor system specially developed for use with light rail vehicles such as trams will make them forward-looking, smart and safer in the future. In partnership with Bombardier Transportation, the world [...] the rail vehicle to a distance of 60 metres and beyond. Test runs have successfully shown that the system can automatically identify objects as obstacles and locate them accurately. The 3D stereo vision [...] E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Christian Zinner Thematic Coordinator Assistive & Autonomous Systems Center VAC +43 664 8251360 christian.zinner(at)ait.ac.at Download "Staatspreis Mobilität" 2013 -
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-vision-automation-control/assistive-autonomous-systems/projects
assistance system for smart trams of the future SafeCon Safe semi- autonomous convoying SWAMO Sensing and Reconstructing the World around Mobile Machines AUTILITY Automation of work and transport tasks COMPAS [...] COMPAS Collision and Overspeed Monitoring and Prevention Assistance System for Tramways INTELLiTRAM Intelligent Tramways through Sense, Learn and React
- /en/research-topics/climate-resilient-urban-pathways/projects
Projects Centre for Mobility Change AirBility Integration of autonomous air taxis into the overall transport system Clarity GreenDeal4Real Green.Resilient. City Tools for a climate-sensitive urban development
Data Market Austria
- /en/research-topics/datascienceartificialintelligence/projects/dma
Future” Programme of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT). Coordination: Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft [...] Lefkopoulos KG – bouncingbytes, Semantic Web Company GmbH, Siemens AG Austria, T-Mobile Austria GmbH, T-Systems Austria GmbH, TDA Trusted Data Analytics GmbH & Co KG, Wikimedia Austria, Zentralanstalt für Meterologie
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimization-logistics/projects/rekep
sectors and parcel sizes with the same concept. The basic technology is a plug-in system of mutually compatible transport boxes that fit in a predefined grid and can be efficiently bundled and unbundled [...] considered and the sustainability of the new system is ensured during the entire transformation. ReKEP contributes to making e-commerce sustainable from a transport and packaging perspective and to reducing [...] packaging is almost not established. Only a few, sometimes tentative attempts exist that use reusable transport containers made of cardboard or plastic. But even these are limited to a relatively small number
Automation technology
- /en/blog/automation-technology
use this information to optimize system behavior, save resources and make decisions about what to do next," explains Andreas Kugi, professor of complex dynamic systems at the Institute of Automation and [...] "predictive maintenance". Here, AI systems learn a connection between certain measurement data and the performance of machines. If there is a major deviation from the expected system behavior, this is automatically [...] and thus avoided. AI systems are also increasingly being used to ensure or increase the quality of industrial goods. Here, modern inspection systems play a major role, such as those being developed at the
Solutions for Industry / Intelligent Production
- /en/media/ait-issues/solutions-for-industry-/-intelligent-production
Reliable wireless communication systems increase operational safety and reduce the operating costs of public transport systems, e.g. by replacing wired security systems with wireless connections. Furthermore [...] communication systems Cooperative Digital Technologies Dependable Systems Engineering New Sensor Technologies Light Metals (Processing and Forming) Automation (Assistive & Autonomous Systems) Cyber Security [...] digital security, human-machine interfaces and innovation systems. Reliable wireless communication links with low latency are the "central nervous system" for the digitization of many industrial sectors. Key
Your Ingenious Partner
- /en/media/ait-issues/your-ingenious-partner
researcher Anna Huditz and her team are looking into the sustainable and efficient design of the transportation system of the future. DIin Mag.a Anna Huditz Chemist Damian Cupid is looking for new materials for [...] is an expert in mobile communications and is leading a high-profile group researching intelligent systems and applications for the next generations of mobile communications, 5G and 6G. Priv.-Doz. DI Dr.
Watch Netflix without harming the climate
- /en/blog/watch-netflix-without-harming-the-climate
Züricher Zeitung puts it Number with 21 zeros The reason for this is the explosive growth of data transported on the Internet. In 2018, they reached a magnitude of 33 zettabytes, which is a number with 21 [...] transmit such huge volumes are eaten up in data centers, for example. With their air-conditioning systems, which cool the permanently running high-performance computers, they stand as tangible buildings [...] light alone. This ensures that the gigantic avalanche of data can be handled without overloading the system. At the same time, it is energy-efficient and does not produce any emissions of environmentally harmful
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