At the 2nd BIOTECH SUMMIT AUSTRIA on 10 and 11 October 2024 in Innsbruck, experts from 13 countries came together to discuss current trends in biotechnology. The Center for Health and Bioresources used this dynamic platform to present its comprehensive portfolio of innovative molecular diagnostics solutions, strengthen new partnerships and initiate promising collaborations for future research and development projects.
A growing number of complex diseases and the need for customised therapies pose major challenges for biotechnology. There is often a lack of precise, rapidly applicable diagnostic procedures to recognise disease processes at an early stage and treat them effectively.
AIT offers innovative molecular diagnostic technologies - from innovative biomarker analyses to AI-supported test systems. Martin Jung, Head of Competence Unit Molecular Diagnostics, Martin Weinhäusel, Senior Scientist, and Elke Guenther, Head of Center, presented AIT's technology platform at the summit. The AIT supports partners from industry and research in translating diagnostics into clinical applications more quickly and thus improving patient care in the long term. "As the majority of Austria's biotech companies were represented at the Biotech Summit, the AIT had the perfect opportunity to present our technology portfolio and make new contacts."
More about the Biotech Summit:
Presentation Molecular Diagnostics: