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AIT contributes three core competencies: quantum encryption, photonic sensors on-the-chip and cyber security.
Credit: Icon created by AIT/DALL·E on 22/01/2025

Credit: Icon created by AIT/DALL·E on 22/01/2025

Austria is part of a major new European initiative: the establishment of national chips competence centers in all EU member states supports the goals of the “EU Chips Act” to increase the production capacity for chips to 20% of the world market by 2030 and promotes Europe's technological sovereignty. Under the leadership of the Silicon Alps Cluster, the Austrian Chips Competence Center (AT-C³) officially launched on January 1, 2025.

European focus on digital sovereignty

The Austrian competence center is one of 29 centers in the EU that are being established under the EU Digital Europe Program (DEP). The aim is to establish a network of “one-stop shops” for chips technologies that support companies, start-ups and research institutions in developing and implementing innovations. With a total funding of 8 million euros, half of which is provided by the EU and the other half by the Austrian government, AT-C³ will be established as a key player for the semiconductor industry. 

The new competence center will provide access to European pilot lines and design platforms, improve the qualifications of the workforce and provide particular support for SMEs and start-ups. 55% of the funding is specifically reserved for these target groups. This will not only strengthen the domestic electronics ecosystem, but also pave the way for innovative solutions in areas such as advanced materials, thin film technologies, quantum and photonics, and cyber security technologies. Concrete services will be developed by the end of 2025 that will enable companies and research to easily access these technologies. The following organizations are part of the consortium: AIT Austrian Institute Of Technology, Materials Center Leoben (MCL), Polymer Competence Center Leoben (PCCL), Silicon Austria Labs (SAL), Graz University of Technology (TUG), Silicon Alps Cluster (SAC) and ESBS-Austria as an associated partner.

AIT is a technical pacemaker in key technology areas

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology contributes key technologies and expertise to the consortium. It is today considered a leading center of excellence for the development of quantum technologies and photonics-on-the-chip solutions in Europe and plays an important role in the European Quantum Flagship Program and the EuroQCI initiative, which focus on building a highly secure quantum infrastructure across the EU. One current project, for example, is QCI-CAT, which is concerned with the development of a quantum communication infrastructure for highly secure government applications in the EU and will implement specific applications in Austria. At the national level, the AIT is also playing a leading role in projects that deal with quantum-safe cryptography for the transmission of sensitive information between authorities and are funded by the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) as part of the national security research program KIRAS. Further important developments are being carried out as part of the European PETRUS project, which involves the development of the next generation of quantum communication networks in Europe with the aim of building a European cyber defense shield based on a quantum communication infrastructure. The necessary development of a European manufacturing industry is supported, among other things, by the Nostradamus initiative, which addresses the development of a test infrastructure for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) in Europe that will enable the evaluation of QKD devices from European manufacturers in the future.

A particular focus of quantum researchers is on the miniaturization of the devices needed for quantum communication, in preparation for a broad market introduction. Light (photons) plays an essential role here, as it can be used to realize quantum optical systems in quantum communication networks by exploiting special quantum optical phenomena to realize simple photonic and smallest circuits for the realization of quantum optical systems. AIT has internationally recognized expertise in the field of photonic sensor technology, which is a key enabling technology that will significantly increase performance and improve the range and resolution of sensor systems in the future. The resulting market-ready quantum encryption technology (Quantum Key Distribution - QKD) uses the principles of quantum mechanics to secure communication by transmitting the keys to decrypt information using photons or quantum light particles. Any attempt to intercept these quantum keys disrupts their state and alerts users to possible eavesdropping. This technology guarantees a fundamentally secure data exchange and puts QKD at the forefront of cyber security. With these photonic technology developments for the IT and telecommunications industry, the AIT is making an important contribution to Austria as a high-tech industrial location.

With its long-standing experience in the field of cybersecurity, AIT has established itself as a trusted partner for national authorities and a respected institution in the European research community. AIT's expert teams use machine learning to develop innovative technologies and solutions for the increasingly complex cybersecurity landscape. This proactive approach helps to minimize threats arising from the increasing complexity and interconnectedness of ICT infrastructures and to combat unknown attack vectors. AIT's specialized IT security solutions and services set standards in the industry and promote the competitiveness of domestic products on the global market through Austrian know-how. 

Building on this research and technology expertise, AIT now offers cyber security training and exercises worldwide to support society, critical infrastructure providers and businesses. AIT has developed a unique digital and hybrid simulation platform and operates a training center at its Vienna location – the AIT Cyber Range. The AIT Cyber Range has become an internationally recognized facility that supports organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – which named AIT the first IAEA Collaborating Centre worldwide in the field of cyber security for nuclear safety in IAEA member states – in their training and exercises, and conducts training and exercises for customers in Austria and beyond.

Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology: “With AT-C³, we are strengthening our services for Austria as a business location. This will enable us to provide Austrian companies with our internationally leading expertise in the fields of quantum technologies, photonics and cybersecurity even more effectively. At the same time, it will give us the opportunity to build a bridge to Europe-wide networks and expertise in these key technologies.”

Andreas Kugi, Scientific Director, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology: “The AT-C³ is a further important cornerstone in strengthening Austria's leading role in the European semiconductor and chips industry. By combining our expertise in the key technologies of quantum, photonics and cybersecurity, we are making a decisive contribution to Europe's technological sovereignty and creating a strong foundation for sustainably promoting the innovative strength and competitiveness of the Austrian economy.”


Michael W. Mürling, MA AI4Gov
Marketing and Communications
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology 
Center for Digital Safety & Security
T +43 (0)50550-4126

Michael H. Hlava
Head of Corporate and Marketing Communications
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology 
T +43 (0)50550-4014