Smart Grids für dezentrale Energieeinspeisung
herauszufinden, war Ziel des EU-Projekts IGREENGrid. Zusammen mit den Konsortialpartnern nahm das AIT Energy Department sechs erfolgreiche Demoprojekte aus Österreich, Deutschland, Frankreich, Spanien, Italien
Benoit Bletterie holds IEEE-PES Webinar
installed capacity of distributed energy resources (DER) has massively increased in the last 15 years. The general trend is expected to remain and the share of distributed energy resources will further grow [...] solutions on the basis of the work done in the EU project IGREENGrid. Registration: IEEE Power & Energy Society Technical Webinar Services: Contact: Benoit Bletterie
Parlamentarischer Abend „40 Jahre Energieforschung“ am DLR
Anlässlich des 40-Jahrjubiläums der Energieforschung im DLR fand am 20.September in Berlin eine Festveranstaltung mit Diskussion statt. Das DLR bearbeitet in seiner Energieforschung fundamental wicht
Gerfried-Zeichen-Preis 2016 der TU Wien für Markus Makoschitz
Dr. Markus Makoschitz (Energy Department) erhielt für herausragende Forschungsleistungen im Rahmen seiner Dissertation den Gerfried-Zeichen-Preis 2016 der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Dreifach ausgezeichnete Dissertation
Mario Faschang vom AIT Energy Department präsentierte in seiner Dissertation einen neuen Entwicklungsprozess für Regelungssysteme für die intelligenten Stromnetze von morgen – und erhielt dafür bereits [...] Networked Smart Grid Systems Based on an Agile Development Process“ entwickelte Mario Faschang vom AIT Energy Department einen innovativen Prozess für das Design, die Entwicklung und das Testen solcher Rege
Christian Messner erhält OVE-Preis
Christian Messner vom Center for Energy erhielt den 2. Preis in der Kategorie Masterarbeiten für seine Arbeit ‘Performance evaluation of grid-connected PV Battery Energy Storage Systems for residential
Smart Energy Systems Week Austria 2017: Call for Posters
Zur „Smart Energy Systems Week Austria“, die heuer in Graz abgehalten wird, sind Projektleiterinnen und Projektleiter von F&E und Demonstrationsprojekten mit dem Thema „Smart Energy Systems“ herzlich [...] Einladungsblatt. Link: Einladung Wolfgang Hribernik, Head of Business Unit Electric Energy Systems, vertritt das AIT bei der Veranstaltung als Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Leitungsteams
Smart control for distributed energy resources
Energy systems are becoming increasingly complex and include a growing proportion of distributed energy resources (DER) such as photovoltaic systems, wind turbines or energy storage units. The challenge [...] at MIT “Reliable control of distributed energy resources is of special importance for microgrids, says Zoran Miletic, Senior Engineer at the AIT Center for Energy. If the main grid fails, due to a hurricane [...] should continue to supply critical equipment such as servers or emergency rooms with energy provided by distributed energy resources like solar systems or batteries.” This situation must be simulated in a
AIT at the Intersolar Europe 2017 in Munich
The worldwide energy market is undergoing a transformation, requiring novel concepts and technologies to sensibly integrate clean energy into the grid. At the world’s [...] know-how and technological developments in the fields of generation, distribution, and storage of energy. The following highlights will be showcased: Fast Naked Eye Inspection of Photovoltaic ModulesAIT
"SPARKS" - ensuring a safe future
To support the integration of renewable energy sources, the energy grid is being digitalized and transformed into the smart grid. New ICT systems are being introduced that enable the remote monitoring [...] these technologies are integrated solutions that can be used to detect cyber-attacks to renewable energy sources and automatically mitigate their effects. This integrated solution was developed by partners
IIASA research scientists visit AIT
their research scholars from the IIASA Energy Program were visiting on July 21, 2017 the Energy and Mobility AIT laboratories at Giefinggasse premises. The energy- and technology-focused research scientists [...] currently working on their theses in Laxenburg. They showed great interest to receive insights into the energy landscape in Europe and were open for a continuous scientific exchange with researchers from AIT
AIT erfolgreich auf der PCIM 2018 in Nürnberg
und Entwicklungen aus Industrie und Wissenschaft. Das AIT-Scientists-Team aus den Units Electric Energy Systems und Low Emission Transport bedankt sich für das große Interesse an den ausgestellten Produkten
AIT @ INTERSOLAR Europe in Munich
risk for investments in the field of Photovoltaic power plants is a core issue at AIT Center for Energy. With a track record of more than 500 MWp of assessed PV power plants in the last years, AIT develops [...] smart-grid ready solution, these features mark the next step towards the full integration of distributed energy resources into the electric power system. Acting as the intelligent interface between the distributed
SET-Plan Conference 2018 November 20-21, Vienna
The European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) aims to accelerate the development and deployment of low-carbon technologies. It seeks to improve new technologies and bring down costs by coordinating [...] across Europe by supporting the most impactful technologies in the EU's transformation to a low-carbon energy system. It promotes cooperation amongst EU countries, companies, research institutions, and the EU
ComForEn 2018: „Blockchains für das Energiesystem?“
und 2. Oktober 2018 findet an der Fachhochschule Salzburg das 9. Symposium „Communications for Energy Systems“ - ComForEn - statt. Im Rahmen der ComForEn 2018 laden das AIT Austrian Institute
IRED 2018 in Vienna – History meets Future
International Conference on the Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources – IRED 2018, the future of distributed energy resources and their contribution to power system management and operation [...] on the technical, market, and regulatory issues that challenge the integration of distributed energy resources into the grid. The conference allows to Share status and latest results of research
IRED 2018
distributed energy sources (DER), the evolution of electricity markets, and communication technologies. The 8th International Conference on the Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources (IRED [...] of these distributed energy sources. The „Aspern Smart City Research“ project, based in Vienna, is a great showcase for this kind of research, focused on finding solutions for energy flexibility, customising [...] goal is to optimize energy utilization and consumption, and research related technologies. The research findings could make a key contribution to developing solutions for the future energy needs of whole cities
Bernadette Fina zweifach ausgezeichnet
Doktorandin am Center for Energy, wurde beim PhD Day der Internationalen Energiewirtschaftstagung (IEWT) in Wien für Ihre Präsentation “Profitability of PV sharing in local energy communities: Use cases for [...] wurde am 12. April 2019, in der Messe Dresden im Rahmen der 13th International Conference on Energy Economics and Technology zum Thema “Transformation in ein Low-Carbon Energiesystem: Weichenstellung
Intelligente Energienetze erfolgreich umsetzen
sagt Helfried Brunner, Thematic Coordinator Power System Planning and Operation am AIT Center for Energy. Nun ist die Herausforderung, die Lösungen an die unterschiedlichsten geografischen und sozio-technischen [...] Website AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Center for Innovation Systems & Policy Center for Energy AIT Kontakte Klaus Kubeczko Helfried Brunner
Photovoltaik-Eigenverbauchs-Optimierung mit Hilfe von Blockchain
vertraulichen Abrechnungsplattform. Durch einen vorausschauenden Optimierer, welcher vom AIT Center for Energy entwickelt wurde, ist es möglich den hergestellten Photovoltaikstrom effizent in einer Batterie zu