- /themen/transportshyoptimierung-logistik/projects/mover
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI (FH) Martin Reinthaler , MSc Research Engineer / Integrated Energy Systems +43 50550-6649 +43 50550-6439 martin.reinthaler(at) Eckdaten Projektlaufzeit : 09/23
Uber Movement startet in Wien
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NEEDS Repowered
- /themen/innovation-policy-and-transformation/projekte/needs-repowered
Driving Urban Transition (DUT) und vernetzt lokale Standorte auf europäischer Ebene, um Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) widerstandsfähiger gegenüber der aktuellen Energiekrise zu machen. Durch die Integration
- /news-events/news
Solutions Integrated Energy Systems Lightweight Metal Solutions Dynamic Transportation Systems Transportation Infrastructure Technologies Technology Experience Environmental Solutions Energy Infrastructure Electric [...] Processing System Solutions Dependable Systems Engineering Surveillance & Protection Energy Supply Systems Industrial Energy Systems Cities & the Built Environment Cooperative Digital Technologies New Sensor [...] AIT und im November 2018 vom bmvit zur FEMtech-Expertin des Monats ausgezeichnet worden. NEFI New Energy for Industry startet mit ersten Projekten GIRLS! TECH UP Schulworkshop mit Cyber Security Expertin
- /themen/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projekte/novoc
Fundación Cidetec (Spain) Latvijas Universitātes Cietvielu fizikas institūts (Latvia) Avesta Battery and Energy Engineering (Belgium) Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (France) Customcells
Das unendliche Potenzial der Sonne nützen
- /blog/das-unendliche-potenzial-der-sonne-nutzen
installierten Fläche um bis zu 20 Prozent mehr Sonnenenergie auf einmal genutzt werden. Das Center for Energy des AIT Austrian Institute of Technology leitet aktuell das europäische Projekt „BI-FACE“, in dem
- /themen/solid-state-batteries/projekte/pulselion-2
tron(at) Projektpartner RISE Research Institutes of Sweden / Coordinator Avesta Battery and Energy Engineering (ABEE) Centro Ricerche Fiat S.C.p.A. (CRF) University of Ljubljana LRCS (CNRS/UPJV) Pulsedeon
- /themen/sustainable-thermal-energy-systems/projects/orpheus
Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550-6652 +43 50550-6613 Daniele.Basciotti(at) Publikationen E. Widl, W. Müller, D. Basciotti, S. Henein, S. Hauer, K. Eder „ Simulation of Multi -domain Energy Systems [...] KRAFT AB, LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, Nec Europe LTD Förderschiene: FP7, ICT-2014.6.4 Optimized Energy Systems in Smart Cities Projektwebsite: Link zu Projektvideos: http://www [...] D. Basciotti, E. Widl, S. Henein, O. Terreros “Increasing the Utilization Ratio of Photovoltaic Energy by Network Hybridization” 2016 IEEE International Conferences on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BDCloud)
- /themen/smart-grids/projects/oscd
large scale. And this in the most economical way by sustaining grid services and utilizing renewable energy by organising smart charging. With the expectation that this will lead to grid stability and reduced
- /themen/cyber-security/projects/sparks
Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, EMC Information Systems International LTD, EVB Energy Solutions GmbH, Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan, Landis+Gyr AG, United Tchnologies Research Centre Ireland [...] Ireland, SWW Wunsiedel GmbH Projektlaufzeit: 04/2014 – 06/2017 Förderprogramm: Protection of smart energy grids against cyber attacks – Capability Project, SEC-2013.2.2-3 (FP7) × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder
Personenzertifizierung Wärmepumpen
- /themen/schulung-weiterbildung/weiterbildung-im-bereich-waermepumpen/personenzertifizierung-waermepumpen
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Ing. Thomas Natiesta , MSc Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550 6041 +43 50550 6679 thomas.natiesta(at) Zum Download Zertifizierungsprogramm
- /loesungen/photovoltaik
Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Christoph Mayr Business Manager for Photovoltaic Systems & Battery Energy Storage +43 50550-6633 +43 50550-6390 christoph.mayr(at)
- /labs/thermophysik
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Daniel Lager , MSc Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550-6394 daniel.lager(at)
Power Systems
- /loesungen/network-operators-energy-service-providers/power-systems
markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Friederich Kupzog Head of Center for Energy +43 (0) 50 550-6059 +43 (0) 50 550-6390 friederich.kupzog(at)
- /loesungen/fleet-management-and-connected-logistics/predict
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI (FH) Martin Reinthaler , MSc Research Engineer / Integrated Energy Systems +43 50550-6649 +43 50550-6439 martin.reinthaler(at) Infomaterial Infoblatt PREDICT
- /printpv
print.pv print.pv AIT Energy entwickelt neuartige Technologie zur Herstellung von Photovoltaikfolien. Wie der Name print.pv schon sagt, geht es in dem Projekt darum, Dünnschicht-Elemente zu drucken. „Das
- /loesungen/elektromobilitaet/projects
market of 2025 and beyond ASSURED Fast and smart charging solutions CESEPS Co-Evolution of Smart Energy Products and Services E-Walk Untersuchung der Sicherheit und Praxistauglichkeit von e-Kleinstfahrzeugen
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte
zur Dampferzeugung DekarbPharm CORES Integration kombinierter, erneuerbarer Energiesyst EDCSproof Energy Demand Control System – PROcess Optimization For industrial low... HyStEPs StoreITup! SteamDry Überhitzte [...] International know-how transfer aiming to strengthen the technology regions... HighEFF Centre for an energy efficient and competitive Norwegian industry DATA AdaMo Transferable workflows for generation of
- /labs/thermophysik/projekte
HiPoCat Hochporöse Kathoden für Lithium-Luft-Batterien Material and Component Development for Thermal Energy Storage
- /themen/cooperative-digital-technologies/projekte
Management for European Resilience mehr erfahren EDDIE European Distributed Data Infrastructure for Energy mehr erfahren ICARIA Improving ClimAte Resilience of crItical Assets mehr erfahren ILIKE Intelligent