Official Opening of the AIT SmartEST Laboratory, April 24, 2013, Vienna
On the 24th of April the AIT Energy Department invited clients and partners to an Open House event to celebrate the opening of the cutting-edge SmartEST Laboratory. We were very proud to welcome around 200 guests from industry, research, politics and public administration.
The SmartEST laboratory was officially opened by Ingolf Schädler (Deputy Director General from the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology), Theresia Vogel (Managing Director of the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund) and Brigitte Bach (Head of Energy Department, AIT).
The international significance of the new research facility was underlined by the presence of Director András Siegler from the DG Research & Innovation of the European Commission.
Many of the guests took the opportunity to get an up-close look at our sophisticated research facilities and attend presentations on international developments in the fields of Smart Grids, Smart Cities, Photovoltaics and Renewable Heating and Cooling.
April 24, 2013
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Giefinggasse 2 | 1210 Vienna
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<link fileadmin mc energy downloads ees_downloads foldersmartest_englisch.pdf download file>PDF Download SmartEST Laboratory
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