Vortrag: "Der menschliche Faktor in der Industrie 4.0"
Marc Busch, Scientist in der Business Unit Technology Experience (Innovation Systems), hält am Donnertstag, 28. April 2016, im Rahmen des 2. BMÖ-Expertendialogs einen Vortrag zum "Menschlichen Faktor
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Security by Design: Neues Tool "THREATGET" prüft Cybersicherheit in Fahrzeugen und Systemen
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NGI Talk #5: The decentralized economy
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AIT Center for Innovation Systems & Policy unterstützt Initiative für wissenschaftliche Integrität
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Veronika Wilk neue Thematische Koordinatorin für Efficiency in Industrial Processes & Systems am Center for Energy
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10 Jahre Wissensbilanz & unidata – Geschichte mit Zukunft
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AIT Seminar Series: Innovation Systems & Policy
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Guest Lecture: Prof. Hatef Madani Larijani (KTH) on energy systems for buildings and cities
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Strategic Foresight Analysis (SFA) Workshop
Trends in (Global) Supply Chain Networks“ will be provided by AIT Scientist Joachim Klerx (Innovation Systems Department).<br /><br /><a target="_blank" class="external-link-new-window" title="Opens external
3. dHealth Pulse am 13. April 2021 – jetzt kostenlos anmelden
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Publikation ausgezeichnet - der zirkadiane Blutdruckrhythmus bei Dialysepatient*innen
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Biomedical Systems - Stefan Orter belegt 3. Platz bei 2020 Artery Poster Award
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IEC 62443 - Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems
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SMART GRIDS – Kongress 2018
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IT-TRANS – IT Trends und Innovationen für den öffentlichen Personenverkehr
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International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security - SafeComp 2012
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10th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems - FORMATS 2012
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IEC 62443 – Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems
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5G for Cyber Physical Systems - Workshop
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