Internationales Symposium
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18. ITI Symposium in Dresden
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Industrial Workshop in Vienna
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- /themen
Technologies Enabling Digital Technologies Energy Supply Systems Health Solutions High - Performance Image Processing Industrial Automation Industrial Energy Systems Innovation Systems & Policy Lightweight [...] Rolle zu übernehmen. Themen filtern Center Filter Nach Center filtern... Digital Safety & Security Energy Health & Bioresources Innovation Systems & Policy Technology Experience Transport Technologies Vision [...] Industrial Processes & Systems Efficient Buildings and HVAC Technologies Enabling Digital Technologies Energy Conversion and Hydrogen Entwurf, Modellierung & Identifikation von Systemen Experience Business
- /themen/sustainable-thermal-energy-systems/projects/orpheus
Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550-6652 +43 50550-6613 Daniele.Basciotti(at) Publikationen E. Widl, W. Müller, D. Basciotti, S. Henein, S. Hauer, K. Eder „ Simulation of Multi -domain Energy Systems [...] KRAFT AB, LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, Nec Europe LTD Förderschiene: FP7, ICT-2014.6.4 Optimized Energy Systems in Smart Cities Projektwebsite: Link zu Projektvideos: http://www [...] D. Basciotti, E. Widl, S. Henein, O. Terreros “Increasing the Utilization Ratio of Photovoltaic Energy by Network Hybridization” 2016 IEEE International Conferences on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BDCloud)
Downloads und Publikationen
- /themen/integrated-mobility-systems/projects/promotion/downloads-und-publikationen
Communication Strategies for Changing Mobility Behaviour Towards Low Energy Modes, 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency (Behave 2016) , Coimbra, Portugal Haufe, N. and Millonig, A
Persuasive Urban Mobility
- /themen/integrated-mobility-systems/projects/persuasive-urban-mobility
& Chin, R. C. C. (2015). What Makes You Bike? Exploring Persuasive Strategies to Encourage Low- Energy Mobility . In T. MacTavish & S. Basapur (Eds.), Persuasive Technology (pp. 53–64). Springer International
- /themen/integrated-mobility-systems/projects/myits
Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Matthias Prandtstetter Thematic Coordinator Transport optimisation & energy logistics +43 50550-6692 +43 50550-6439 matthias.prandtstetter(at) Publication T. Eiter
Transform Industry
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/transform-industry
* E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Christian Schützenhofer Senior Expert Advisor / Integrated Energy Systems +43 664 88964913 christian.schuetzenhofer(at) Eckdaten Projektlaufzeit: 10/2021–7/2023
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/bamboo
Fondazione ICONS (Italien) Förderung H2020-NMBP-SPIRE-2018 CE-SPIRE-03-2018 Energy and resource flexibility in highly energy intensive industries (IA 50%) Projektwebsite: AIT Kontakt: [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Bernd Windholz Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 (0) 50 550-6385 +43 (0) 50 550-6679 bernd.windholz(at)
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/digibatch
* E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr.-Ing. Tilman Barz Senior Scientist / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550-6426 +43 50550-6679 tilman.barz(at)
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/hycool
Betreff * Nachricht * Send Mag. Dr. Christoph Zauner Senior Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 (0) 50 550-6381 +43 (0) 50 550-6390 christoph.zauner(at) Eckdaten Projektstart:
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/storeitup-if
Betreff * Nachricht * Send Mag. Dr. Christoph Zauner Senior Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 (0) 50 550-6381 +43 (0) 50 550-6390 christoph.zauner(at)
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/frontector
(2020). Evaluation of the state of charge of a solid/ liquid phase change material in a thermal energy storage tank. Energies, 13(6), 1425. Barz, T., Seliger, D., Marx, K., Sommer, A., Walter, S. F., [...] * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr.-Ing. Tilman Barz Senior Scientist / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550-6426 +43 50550-6679 tilman.barz(at) Eckdaten Projektstart: März 2021
IEA HPT Annex 58
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/iea-hpt-annex-58
E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Sabrina Dusek Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550 6440 +43 50550 6679 sabrina.dusek(at) Eckdaten Projektlaufzeit: 01/21
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/hysteps
Hofmann, S. Dusek, S. Gruber, G. Drexler-Schmid: "Design Optimization of a Hybrid Steam-PCM Thermal Energy Storage for Industrial Applications"; ENERGIES, 12 (2019), 898; 25 S.
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/adamo
Institute of Chemical, Environmental and Biological Engineering , TU Wien (Koordinator); Center for Energy , AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Projektpartner); Biopharma Process Sciences Austria [...] * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr.-Ing. Tilman Barz Senior Scientist / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550-6426 +43 50550-6679 tilman.barz(at) Publikationen Bournazou, C., Barz
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/whole-battery
* E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr.-Ing. Tilman Barz Senior Scientist / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 50550-6426 +43 50550-6679 tilman.barz(at) Oops, an error occurred! Code: 20
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/thermaflex
ion Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung und Wohnen – SIR Schneid Gesellschaft m.b.H. SOLID Solar Energy Systems GmbH StadtLABOR - Innovationen für urbane Lebensqualität GmbH Stadtwerke Gleisdorf GmbH STM [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Bernd Windholz Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 (0) 50 550-6385 +43 (0) 50 550-6679 bernd.windholz(at)
IEA IETS Annex 15
- /themen/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projekte/iea-iets-annex-15
Annex 15: Video-Präsentation "Combined optimization for retrofitting of heat recovery and thermal energy supply in industrial systems " (2020) × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send DI Dr. Anton Beck Research Engineer / Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems +43 664 88390702 anton.beck(at)