TUtheSKY was the stage on March 20th for presenting outstanding projects from IEA and national programs such as ‘City of Tomorrow’ and the ‘Energy Research Programme’. The Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) organized this high-level event to create a common platform for experts and stakeholders involved in relevant research areas.
Connecting of different parts and sectors of the current energy system will play a crucial role for a successful energy transition. As outlined in the man Austrian ENERGY Research and Innovation Strategy, sector coupling is considered as a guiding principle in future energy research policy. Single technologies in the power, heat as well as the transport sector should be combined in integrated, energy-efficient systems in the future.
Carrie Pottinger from the International Energy Agency presented the IEA report „Digitalization and Energy" which shows the relevance of the increasing digitalization for the transport, building and industrial sectors and introduces possibilities for system integration and coupling of sectors.
AIT was represented by Ralf-Roman Schmidt with ‘IEA DHC Annex TS3: District heating and cooling networks in an integrated energy system context’, and René Hofmann with ‘Industrial Energy Systems and IEA-IETS Annex 15: Industrial excess heat recovery’
Link: Highlights der Energieforschung – presentations for download
IEA publication: Digitalization and Energy (OECD/IEA, 2017)
Photo credits: AIT