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6. Transport Research Arena 2016 in Warsaw


The 2016 edition of the Transport Research Arena (TRA2016) which took place from 18th to 21st April 2016 in Warsaw proved to be a great success. 2.400 participants from 62 countries around the world – along with some 60 exhibitors – attended this event. According to the motto “Moving Forward – Innovative Solutions for Tomorrow’s Mobility” the most prominent topics were Decarbonisation, Vehicle Technologies, Urban Mobility, Safe, Secure and Resilient Transport Systems and Infrastructure, Automation and Human Factors. All modes were touched and cross modality was high on the agenda.

The AIT Mobility Department joined the Austrian booth in the exhibition area together with ASFINAG, viadonau, BMVIT and the organizer AustriaTech. Our scientists of the Business Units Dynamic Transportation Systems, Electric Drive Technologies and Transportation Infrastructure Technologies participated actively in the conference and presented their research topics in numerous lectures and scientific poster sessions.

The next TRA2018 will be held in Vienna and is organized by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (Management Committee), AustriaTech (Organization Committee) and AIT Austrian Institute of Technology/Mobility Department as Chair of the Programme Committee. The theme “A Digital Era for Transport – New Solutions for Society, Economy and Environment” encourages the participants to explore the new promising opportunities that digitization opens up for transport. The commitment of all the TRA stakeholders is to join forces during the coming two years, share experiences and achievements in order to also make the next TRA a success.