After a very successful YEAR workshop in Trondheim and a well-deserved Summer holiday, the YEAR Board is back on track to prepare the coming events. In November, there will be a seminar with the European Commission on Resource Efficiency in Buildings, brainstorming on the future of research and policy. Then, in March 2014, another seminar will be organized. The topic for this last one is still to be decided, so don’t hesitate to send your inputs until 15 November to Caroline Lemeire, YEAR Chair at caroline.lemeire(at)
Looking further ahead to next year: In May 2014, the next YEAR Workshop "from project idea to successful project proposal" will take place in Vienna. Once again, a YEAR Award will be given to the most promising participant. In September, in Ljubljana YEAR will have a workshop on the valorization of project results.
For more information please read the full YEAR Newsletter October 2013 "Water for Life"