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Scientific conference on Digital Health in Vienna chaired by Günter Schreier

A conference full of spirit and innovation – the 12th issue of the annual conference on “Health informatics meets eHealth” took place in the historical conference center of Schönbrunn.
Clemens Martin Auer meets Günter Schreier	 P.Kastner, G.Schreier, N. Lovell, E.Guenther in front of a booth Auditorium hall „Maria Theresia“, left the stage with conference banner, right the audience Organisation-Team: G.Schreier, D.Hayn, H.Peinsold, A. Ziegl, M.Sams, M. Janitsch, A. Eggerth, A. Schreier, P.Mayr, S. Veeranki (v.l.n.r.) in front of Schloss Schönbrunn

1) Clemens Martin Auer, Günter Schreier 2) P.Kastner, G.Schreier, N. Lovell, E.Guenther 3) Auditorium hall „Maria Theresia“ 4) Organisation-Team: G.Schreier, D.Hayn, H.Peinsold, A. Ziegl, M.Sams, M. Janitsch, A. Eggerth, A. Schreier, P.Mayr, S. Veeranki (v.l.n.r.)

From May 8.-9., 2018, the eHealth conference by tradition took place within the facilities of Schönbrunn, called the “Apothekertrakt”. It has been the 12th annual conference chaired by its founder, Günter Schreier, and the team of Anton Dunzendorfer (Digital Health Information Systems).

Almost 300 participants from 13 nations around the globe came to Vienna to discuss current challenges and future solutions in the fields of digital health, big data and telemedicine. This years’ motto: Biomedical meets eHealth – From Sensors to Decisions: was covered by more than 100 speakers, including Keynotes from Werner Leodolter (University of Graz and KAGes), Clemens Martin Auer (Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection), Tapani Piha (European Commission) and Nigel Lovell (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia).

The conference ended with Award ceremonies for best papers and posters, and the announcment of a new era beginning in 2019, indicated by a new name. Stay tuned and save the date for next year’s top digital health event, www.dHealth.at, 28. - 29. 5. 2019!

For photos and proceedings from this year see www.ehealth2018.at