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AIT contributes to report about European knowledge system in 2050

AIT Senior Scientist Petra Schaper-Rinkel was part of the expert group reporting to the European Commission. The document is now available.

What will Europe’s knowledge system look like in 2050? A group of experts explore future scenarios for Europe’s research, innovation and higher education policies and institutions and outline some key elements for future policies. The report "The Knowledge Future: intelligent policy choices for Europe 2050" elaborates on challenges and opportunities that three "Megatrends" - globalization, demographic change and technological change – represent for Europe’s research, innovation and higher education system, and suggests a number of ideas that could find a place in policy for Research and Innovation.

AIT Senior Scientist Petra Schaper-Rinkel of the Innovation Systems Department joined the expert group in 2014 and contributed to the report, which draws two likely options for the future, one best case and one worst case scenario. In their policy recommendations the experts suggest to open up the knowledge system, to increase flexibility and experimentation in innovation and to further enhance cooperation at European level on matters of education and large-scale research initiatives.

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