Martina Romio und Hartmut Popp, beide in der Batterieforschung am Center for Low-Emission Transport tätig, haben vor kurzem erfolgreich Ihre Doktorratsstudien abgeschlossen. Wir gratulieren dazu sehr herzlich!
Romio hatte ihre Abschlussprüfung an der Queen Mary University of London am 15. Dezember, Popp bestand sein Rigorosum an der TU Graz am 3. Februar mit Auszeichnung.
Martina Romios Dissertation hatte das “Development of Phosphate Materials for Mg-ion batteries” zum Thema, hier der Abstract:
Mg-ion batteries are considered as promising alternatives to lithium-ion technologies due to the natural abundance of magnesium as well as its low toxicity, high theoretical volumetric capacity (3833 mA h cm-3 for the Mg-anode), relatively low standard electrode potential (-2.37 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode) and non-dendritic growth. The dissertation has investigated the synthesis, structural and morphological features as well as the electrochemical performance of two orthophosphate-based compounds: the olivine-related (Mg0.5Ni0.5)3(PO4)2 and the NASICON-Mg0.5Ti2(PO4)3. Furthermore, these studies focused on understanding the fundamental reactions between Mg2+ cations and these structures through post mortem analysis of the active bulk materials before and after the electrochemical investigations.
Hartmuts Popps Dissertation unter dem Titel “State Estimation of Lithium-Ion Secondary Batteries by Means of Non-Destructive Mechanical Methods” steht hier zum Download bereit:
The dissertation deals with the non-destructive mechanical testing of lithium-ion secondary batteries to determine their structural properties. The work has shown that the mechanical parameters obtained in this way can contribute significantly to i.) better estimating the state of charge and state of health, ii.) detecting safety-critical conditions at an early stage and iii.) obtaining parameters for the design of battery systems. Some methods, such as pressure/force and ultrasound, also have high potential for integration into battery systems to provide additional data for battery management systems in order to increase their functionality.
Wir freuen uns sehr über diesen großen Erfolg und wünschen Martina Romio und Hartmut Popp alles Gute für ihre weitere wissenschaftliche Laufbahn!
Battery Research: Successful PhD Degrees of Martina Romio and Hartmut Popp
Martina Romio and Hartmut Popp, both working in battery research at the Center for Low-Emission Transport, have recently successfully completed their PhD studies. We congratulate them very much!
Romio had her final exam at Queen Mary University of London on December 15, Popp passed his rigorosum at TU Graz with highest distinctions on February 3.
We are very happy about this great success and wish Martina Romio and Hartmut Popp all the best for their further scientific careers!