The “Use of Big Data in Transport Models Roundtable” of the OECD International Transport Forum (ITF) determined the most relevant use cases for Big Data in the modelling of transport demand and transport systems. It was hosted by Patricia Hu (US Department of Transport, Bureau of Transportation Statistics) and explored the possibility of Big Data to complement or replace traditional travel surveys, reflecting how many trips people make, to which destinations, using which mode or combination of modes.
34 experts from 15 countries participated in the 3-days online meeting which took place between December 14 and December 16, 2020. Senior Scientist Norbert Brändle was one of four experts invited to write a discussion paper and to give an invited talk. The discussion paper “Inferring Modal Split from Mobile Phones – Principles, Issues, and Policy Recommendations” will be published and freely available by the ITF within the next weeks. A summary of the Roundtable will be published by the ITF End of January 2021.
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