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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Wolfgang Ponweiser elected to the ECTRI Board


Recently, the new ECTRI Board was elected for a two-year mandate and will take office in January 2021. Together with Evangelos Bekiaris as President (CERTH-HIT, Greece), Ingrid Skogsmo as Vice-President (VTI, Sweden), Magnus Lamp as Treasurer (DLR, Germany), Irina Jackiva (TTI, Latvia), Claude Marin-Lamellet (UNI EIFFEL, France) and José Manuel Menéndez (UPM, Spain), Wolfgang Ponweiser (AIT) is now responsible for the strategic and conceptual direction of the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI). A sincere thanks to Arno Klamminger (AIT), who has been in charge as board member for the last two years.

ECTRI is an international non‐profit association that was officially founded in April 2003. It is the first attempt to unite the forces of the foremost multimodal transport research centers across Europe and to thereby promote the excellence of European transport research. Today, it includes 27 major transport research institutes or universities from 20 European countries. Together, they account for more than 4,000 European scientific and research staff in the field of transport. ECTRI as the leading European research association for sustainable and multimodal mobility is committed to provide the scientifically based competence, knowledge and advice to move towards a green, safe, efficient, and inclusive transport for people and goods.

Further information about ECTRI: https://www.ectri.org/