The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology along with the WKO AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA is organizing the International Digital Security Forum (IDSF) to be held from 02 – 03 December 2020 as a hybrid event in Vienna, Austria. Under the Forum’s general topic "Security in times of pandemic and major global events" the IDSF seeks to enhance understanding of new and impactful technologies and approaches for overcoming the challenges in the COVID-19.
The novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has led to challenges and chaos to many aspects of life. It is hard to imagine a sector of society that has not been somehow impacted and will continue to be for an extended period of time. During this period and the recovery period, technology has been a major facilitator for understanding and tracking the pandemics, but also in allowing a level of remote presence for both work and social engagement.
“Work from Home” has become the norm for many. The International Digital Security Forum (IDSF) seeks to bring together international and national leadership and stakeholders in information exchange and collaboration. The goal is to build collective knowledge of lessons learned and to build partnership for pandemic and major event mitigation.
- Have a look at the planned conference sessions: