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Gaming and eSports Workshop (virtual)

Apr 27
Spectator Experience in Gaming and eSports – be part of it!

While aspects of spectatorship in gaming and esports are receiving increased attention, research efforts in this space are still mostly independent from each other. The workshop aims to bring researchers and practitioners from different disciplines together to promote interdisciplinary exchange, to increase awareness, and establish a community and collaborations on the subject matter. It aims to foster discussion on how technology and HCI can help to transform the act of spectating games and particularly esports from a passive (watching) to a more activeand engaging – experience. However, spectatorship in general is complex phenomenon that can vary and take on many different forms and its quality can be influenced by a variety of factors such as the quality of the commentary. The workshop aims to address these challenges by considering how technology has the potential to empower viewers, to make games more accessible for the audience, to spark interest, and to stimulate a feeling of togetherness.

Call For Participation

Important Dates

11 February 2020: Submission deadline
28 February 2020: Acceptance notification
27 April 2020: Workshop day

Further information

More about CHI 2020.

AIT-Contact: Simone Kriglstein