We are facing a paradigm shift in energy systems for buildings and cities characterized by:
- A growing penetration of intermittent and decentralized renewable energy in buildings and cities,
- Emergence of millions of households acting as local producers and consumers (prosumers) of the energy,
- Non-linear dynamic interaction of several systems which are designed, dimensioned, and controlled at the local level, without a central coordination,
- Fast growing flood of poor quality data from every system in the building, again collected at the local level without any management/coordination,
- Increased electrification in the energy sectors, from transport to building heating and cooling,
- Introduction of many Building Management Systems (BMS) designed and imposed by different stakeholders with conflicting objectives
This lecture shows a few examples of the challenges and opportunities when we are dealing with this paradigm shift and the ever-growing complexity associated to that. IN parallel, I will give a short overview on some of the projects I was leading during the recent years.
Prof. Hatef Madani Larijani (KTH)
GG4_F1_M5A, Giefinggasse 4, Wien 1210
3rd April 2019, 09:30 – 11:00
Please register by 2nd of April by sending an email to anna-maria.sumper(at)ait.ac.at (limited number of participants).