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Cybersecurity Lecture Series 2014

Jan 16
Upcoming Lecture: The future of digital signatures, by Johannes Buchmann (TU Darmstadt, DE)

Digital signatures are one of the most important cryptographic primitives for current and future IT security solutions. The talk discusses the security status of digital signature schemes that are presently used, and shows that potential quantum computer attacks threaten these schemes. XMSS, a practical signature scheme with provably minimal security requirements, is presented.

  • Date: 16th January, 4.30 pm
  • Venue: Technische Universität Wien, INFH Informatikhörsaal, Treitlstr. 3, 1040 Vienna

Please register by sending an eMail to cybersecurity-lectures(at)ait.ac.at or use the registration form here.

For further information please download our invitations brochure!