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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung


Verbesserung der Pflanzenstresstoleranz

UNTWIST Uncover and Promote Tolerance to Temperature and Water Stress in Camelina sativa EU-H2020; https://www.untwist.eu/
ROS Plant Salt stress Tolerance: Interaction between oxidative signalling and the protein kinase ASKα" FWF
Sweet Immunity Analyzing the role of the protein kinase ASKα in metabolic adjustment to stress and sweet priming in Arabidopsis FWF
Salt Stress Cromatin Signalling Salt Stress to the Chromatin FWF
StressG6PD "Plant stress resistance: Dissecting the functional role of the glucose-6-phosphate gene family" NFB

Verbesserung der Pflanzenqualität

WheatVIZ Züchtung von trockentoleranten Winterweizen-Sorten durch Genomik, Phänomik, maschinellem Lernen und fortschrittliche digitale Visualisierung d4agrotech Initiative, Land Niederösterreich; www.d4agrotech.at
DigiBeetStore Prozessoptimierung vom Feld zur Fabrik zur Steigerung der Lagereigenschaft der Zuckerrübe mittels Bild- und Multiomik-Daten gekoppelt mit maschinellem Lernen d4agrotech Initiative, Land Niederösterreich; www.d4agrotech.at
PredictBeetWeevil Daten- und modellbasierte Vorhersage des Rübenderbrüssler-Auftretens d4agrotech Initiative, Land Niederösterreich; www.d4agrotech.at
BeetStore Transkriptomik und Metabolomik zur Charakterisierung der Lagerfähigkeit von Zuckerrüben FFG, grant agreement n° 855706; www.dnabank.at/sugarbeet
FFoQSI The Austrian Competence Centre for Feed and Food Quality Safety and Innovation wants to make food and food production better, safer and more sustainable FFG, grant agreement n° 854182; https://www.ffoqsi.at/
CharAccess II Entwicklung molekularer Marker zur Unterstützung der Käferbohnenzüchtung AGES
CharAccess I Genomik und Phänomik österreichischer Käferbohnen-Herkünfte mit dem Fokus auf Hitzetoleranz AGES
LocallyTREE DNA-basierte Analyse zur Ermittlung geographisch-genetischer Regionen für die Heckengehölze des Landes NÖ Land Niederösterreich, Proj. Nr. K3-F-639/001-2016, ABB-LEAL-28/0001


Susfert Developing multifunctional fertilisers for phosphorus and iron supply H2020; https://www.susfert.eu/
SolACE Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use H2020; https://www.solace-eu.net/
MicrobiomeSupport Towards coordinated microbiome R&I activities in the food system to support (EU and) international bioeconomy goals H2020; https://www.microbiomesupport.eu/
MASTER Microbiome Applications for Sustainable food systems through Technologies and EnteRprise H2020; https://www.master-h2020.eu/
MicroMetabolite Research Training Network on the Microbial Enhancement of Bioactive Secondary Metabolite Production in Plants ITN; www.micrometabolite.eu
SEEDIMPROVE Modifying seed microbiota to improve seed germination FWF
SOILGUARD Effects of land management practices and climate change stressors on soil biodiversity H2020

SeedJectionTM technology: https://www.automation.at/detail/ait-bioresources-seedjection-2019_159807

Formulierungen und Coatings

Susfert Developing multifunctional fertilisers for phosphorus and iron supply H2020; https://www.susfert.eu/
MASTER Microbiome Applications for Sustainable food systems through Technologies and EnteRprise H2020; https://www.master-h2020.eu/
COMPIO Eco-friendly nanoclay, nanocellulose and MIP composites for microbial formulations H2020/ m-era.net; www.compio-formulation.eu
Bac-Coat Bacteria formulations for seed coating and seed production H2020/ m-era.net; www.bac-coat.eu
Endocaps Small scale production of bacteria encapsulated beads by extrusion and spraying National project

Biokontrolle von Pflanzenkrankheiten

Biovexo Biocontrol of Xylella and its vector in olive trees for integrated pest management H2020; https://biovexo.eu/
Esca-wein DaFNE Project of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism BMNT
FFoQSI The Austrian Competence Centre for Feed and Food Quality Safety and Innovation wants to make food and food production better, safer and more sustainable Projects on Stolbur Phytoplasma and Downy Mildew of Grapevine -
MicrobiomeSupport Towards coordinated microbiome R&I activities in the food system to support (EU and) international bioeconomy goals H2020; https://www.microbiomesupport.eu/
MASTER Microbiome Applications for Sustainable food systems through Technologies and EnteRprise H2020; https://www.master-h2020.eu/
DRM6 Resistance of grapevine and potato against phytoplasma     ARRS


Verbesserung von Lebensmittelsystemen

MicrobiomeSupport Towards coordinated microbiome R&I activities in the food system to support (EU and) international bioeconomy goals

H2020 https://www.microbiomesupport.eu/

MIKAP Microorganisms for sprouting promotion and inhibition in potatoes - a new approach in potato production FFG https://projekte.ffg.at/projekt/3165693
BeetStore Using transcriptomics, phenomics and metabolomics to characterise the storability of sugar beet tap roots FFG http://www.dnabank.at/sugarbeet/
MASTER Microbiome Applications for Sustainable food systems through Technologies and EnteRprise H2020; https://www.master-h2020.eu/

Mikrobielle Sanierung

MISABI Mikrobielle Sanierung von LCKW-Grundwasserbelastungen mit lebensmittel­tauglichen Biotensiden 2020-2023
STIMBAK Stimulation of bacterial dechlorination in the groundwater by chemically produced hydroge 2020-2021
MODELFACE Reactions of chlorinated hydrocarbons and chromium (VI) on nanoscale zerovalent iron (nZVI) particle surfaces: Investigation of reaction mechanisms via combination of experimental and molecular modeling studies 2017-2021
MIKROSYN Synergistic degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbons by microorganisms and zerovalent iron 2016-2018
BIANO Remediation of sites contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons by stimulation of the microbial degradation by zerovalent iron 2015-2018
BIOSAN Biostimulation and constructed wetlands for degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil and groundwater 2013-2016


CleanAir Entwicklung und Validierung eines kostengünstigen mobilen Luftreinigers mit Desinfektionsfunktion EIT Manufacturing
BioAerosolKammer Evaluierung einer Prüfkammer und Validierung von verschiedenen Sammel- und Analysesystemen für Bioaerosole BioAerosolKammer
MolDeMould Erstellung eines qPCR Systems für den Nachweis von häufigen Pilzgattungen in der Luft NFB Niederösterreichische Forschungs- und Bildungsges.m.b.H
AntigenSampling Validierung des GSP und des AS100 Sammelsystems für den Antigennachweis an Arbeitsplätzen DGUV Forschungsförderung
SchimmelAntigenDetect Validierung von pilzspezifischen ELISA - Korrelation mit Zellzahl (Mikroskopie, qPCR) und KBE unter kontrollierten, reproduzierbaren Bedingungen DGUV Forschungsförderung
Danube ARC Danube Allergy Research Cluster

FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds