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- /themen/akustik-und-laermschutz-im-bereich-verkehr/projects/pv-sued
unterschiedlichsten Forschungsbereichen. Mit der Competence Unit Photovoltaic Systems des AIT Center for Energy und dem Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme sind zwei in Österreich und Deutschland führende [...] 50550-6256 +43 50550-6439 manfred.haider(at) Projektpartner Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE Forster Industrietechnik GmbH Der Projektcluster „PV-SÜD“ wird im Rahmen der D-A-CH
USE-iT: H2020 Project Focusing on Transport Infrastructure Is Successfully Concluded
faces many common challenges across its modes related to topics such as carbon reduction targets, energy security and depletion of natural resources. The road and rail infrastructure in particular are ageing [...] have more resilience and better reliability in their systems. USE-iT (Users, Safety, Security and Energy In Transport Infrastructure) is a 24-month Coordination and Support Action (CSA) project funded within [...] providing better customer information, improving safety and security and reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption. In the longer term, the ambition is that there will be a vibrant community of stakeholders
AIT Seminar Series: Mobility Systems
Copenhagen. His research interests include Maritime optimization, Vehicle Routing, Railway optimization, Energy models, and Packing and cutting problems. He has been leading several research projects in maritime
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