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AGENT - the Future of Indoor Positioning has arrived


indoo.rs, Heidelberg Mobil International GmbH (HD Mobil) and the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology collaborate on “AGENT”, a project funded by Eurostars, a European Commission and EUREKA programme. The project aims at overcoming several common obstacles in the Indoor Positioning realm and consequently accelerating the system implementation process while maintaining high quality results.

VIENNA, Austria - July 4 , 2018: – Indoor Positioning and Mobile Wayfinding has found its way into many different business areas and is often used to help smartphone users navigate inside airports, shopping malls, trade shows, hospitals and many more.

Despite the growing acceptance of Indoor Positioning systems in continuously more diversified industries, many are still hesitant to adopt this technology. Reasons for this may be the flood of different technologies on the market, e.g. Wifi, Beacons, Ultra-wideband, Ultra-sound, etc., leading to confusion on the client side as to which one delivers the best results for their needs. Existing Indoor Mobile Wayfinding solutions do require a certain level of expertise to setup the system professionally.

AGENT (“Automatic GENeration of fingerprints for innovative complete indoor localization systems”) is designed to address these issues and take out some of the complexity to eliminate barriers to adopting Indoor Mobile Wayfinding solutions.

Instead of time consuming manual planning and taking recordings of the building, AGENT will enable computer-aided planning with automated creation of a 3D digital map. Furthermore, a sophisticated simulation of the Beacon installation will help assess the amount of Beacons required and where to place them in order to get the most accurate positioning results.

This way no money will be wasted on ordering excess hardware or vice versa, faulty installations due to insufficient hardware or misplacements can be avoided. The AGENT innovation helps increase efficiency substantially by cutting down on the time needed for the implementation process and optimizing resource planning.

AGENT project was kicked off in July 2016 and is scheduled to finish later this year. This set of innovations is expected to change the game for Indoor Positioning solutions and those who want to adopt them.

About indoo.rs GmbH

indoo.rs is a specialist in indoor location-based services. Founded in 2010 indoo.rs counts 20 specialists focusing on developing, optimizing and distributing indoor localization for mobile devices for various use-cases such as airport and shopping mall navigation, meeting room finder, navigation for visually impaired, etc. The company is based in Schwechat, Austria, has a developer’s hub in Vienna, Austria and an international branch in the Palo Alto, CA, USA.


About Heidelberg Mobil International

Heidelberg Mobil International GmbH was founded in 2007 as a spin-off from European Media Laboratory GmbH, a research institute. Since June, 1st 2018 HD Mobil has been integrated into the BridgingIT GmbH, a IT company which advices corporate customers on the implementation of corporate strategies and the use of state-of-the-art technologies. The unique product of HD Mobil, which specializes in indoor navigation, wayfinding, location-based services and asset tracking, is its Deep Map™ technology, which enables seamless navigation on complex terrain and within buildings. The company is based on the campus of the University of Heidelberg and operates further sites in Vancouver & Minsk. Heidelberg Mobil currently employs around 50 people. www.heidelberg-mobil.com/

About AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

The Center for Digital Safety & Security at AIT, Austria's largest research and technology organisation, is developing modern information and communication technologies to establish secure and reliable critical infrastructure. In the field of Physical Layer Security, the center focuses on next generation wireless communication (5G) technologies. In this area AIT experts are working on innovative methods for Bluetooth-based indoor localization solutions. The innovation content of the solution lies in the modeling of the propagation of radio waves based on floor plans for the automated prediction of the strength of the radio signal and thus the precise and rapid location of objects.




Michael Mürling
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Marketing and Communications
Center for Digital Safety & Security
T +43 (0)50550-4126  |  M +43 (0)664 2351747
michael.muerling(at)ait.ac.at  |  www.ait.ac.at

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Silvia Pichler

Marketing Manager
T +436606384530
silvia(at)indoo.rs  |  www.indoo.rs

Michael Schweitzer
Heidelberg Mobil International GmbH
Senior Marketing Manager
T +49 6221 4299 338       
Michael.Schweitzer(at)heidelberg-mobil.com  |  www.heidelberg-mobil.com