AI4TREES AI4TREES-AI for Climate Sensitive Tree Growth Modelling and Maximum Carbon Segregation mehr erfahren APP4AQ Innovative APPlications for the augmented use of satellite observations to support Air Quality Management mehr erfahren AREAS Aerial search & Rescue support and supErvision of inAccessible terrainS mehr erfahren BatWoMan Carbon Neutral European Battery Cell Production with Sustainable, Innovative Processes and 3D Electrode Design to Manufacture mehr erfahren CLARITY Integrated Climate Adaption Service Tools for Improving Resilience Measure Efficiency mehr erfahren DRIVER+ Accelerating Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience mehr erfahren EDDIE European Distributed Data Infrastructure for Energy mehr erfahren ICARIA Improving ClimAte Resilience of crItical Assets mehr erfahren ILIKE Intelligent Situation Information Portal to Support Disaster Relief Operations mehr erfahren INTERPRETER Interoperability in next generation Disaster Management mehr erfahren MAIA MAIA project is an EU project aiming to maximize impact & synergy of climate change research & innovation mehr erfahren MEASURE Monitoring Exercises using Ai-SUpport for Reliable Evaluation mehr erfahren PASA Public Warning and Alert System for Austria mehr erfahren QUINJUNSAT Crisis Event Awareness with Earth Observation and CrowdSourcing mehr erfahren STAMINA Demonstration of Intelligent Decision Support for Pandemic Crisis Prediction & Management with and across European Borders mehr erfahren SYMBIOTE Symbiosis of smart objects across IoT environments mehr erfahren TEAMAWARE Team Awareness Enhanced with AI & Augmented Reality mehr erfahren