Unser Forschungsportfolio umfasst das gesamte Spektrum von direkter Auftragsforschung mit der Industrie bis hin zu kooperativen Forschungsprojekten in nationalen und internationalen Förderprogrammen.
Laufende Projekte
- 3D4Bombardier (Innovatives Fahrerassistenzsystem für die intelligente Straßenbahn der Zukunft)
- AEROCEPTOR (UAV Based Innovative Means for Land and Sea Non-Cooperative Vehicle Stop)
- CRYSTAL (Critical Systems Engineering Factories)
- EMC² (Embedded Multi-Core systems for Mixed Criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments)
- ELEPRO (Projektierungstool für elektronische Eisenbahnstellwerke) – (Kundenprojekt im Auftrag von Thales Austria GmbH)
- TruConf (Trust via cost function driven model based test case generation for non-functional properties of systems of systems)
Abgeschlossene Projekte
- SafeCer (Safety Certification of SW-intensive Systems with Reusable Components) 2011 - 2015
- INTEGREEN (Integration of Traffic and Environmental Data for Improving Green Policies in the City of Bolzano) 2011 - 2015
- MBAT (Model-Based Analysis & Test) 2011 - 2014
- DVKUP (Kollisionsvermeidungssysteme zur Unterstützung von Piloten) 2012 - 2014
- TRUFAL (Trust via Failed Falsification) 2011 - 2014
- R3-COP (Resilient Reasoning Robotic Co-OPerating Systems) 2010 -2013
- POLLUX (Process Oriented Electrical Control Units for Electrical Vehicles Developed on a Multi-system Real-time Embedded Platform) 2010 -2013
- ADACS (Advanced Diagnosis for time-triggered Automotive Communication Systems) 2009 -2011
- NAV-CAR 2 (Improved NAVigation in Challenging Areas by Robust Positioning) 2009 -2011
- MOGENTES (MOdel-based GENeration of Tests for Embedded Systems) 2008 -2011
- COOPERS (CO-OPerative Systems for Intelligent Road Safety) 2006 -2010
- IROMEC (Interactive RObotic social MEdiators as Companions) 2006 -2009
- DECOS (Dependable Embedded COmponents and Systems) 2004 -2007