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Carbon Neutral European Battery Cell Production with Sustainable, Innovative Processes and 3D Electrode Design to Manufacture

On the way to cost- and energy-efficient lithium-ion battery cell production 

Europe’s leadership position in sustainable battery production will be secured via new sustainable and cost-efficient lithium-ion battery cell production. This is the goal of the EU-funded BatWoMan project, paving the way towards carbon-neutral cell production.



The project focuses on three main technological efforts: 

  1. Energy-efficient, no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) processed electrodes, with slurries of high dry mass content
  2. Innovative dry room reducing concept with improved electrolyte filling
  3. Low-cost and energy-efficient cell conditioning, namely wetting, formation and ageing 

These will be supported digitally via creating an AI-driven, innovative platform for smart re-tooling, constantly monitoring the sustainability and efficiency of the proposed individual production steps and developing a battery data space and passport for relevant cell background data. This way, BatWoMan will lead to an estimated cell production cost reduction of 63.5% and cell production energy consumption reduction by 52.6% and therefore enable a European leadership position in sustainable battery production

The Cooperative Digital Technologies unit is responsible for the battery data space and passport within the BatWoMan project. The data space is built on sovereign data exchange, where owners stay in control of access and usage rights over their own data. The battery passport, built on data shared via the dataspace, includes a detailed description of the properties and current state of the battery. According to the upcoming new EU Battery Regulation, such a passport will need to accompany each individual battery throughout and after its operation time. The BatWoMan battery passport and data-sharing ecosystem might serve as a validation testbed for battery research and production, to help prepare a suitable set of guidelines and promote an innovative, green battery life cycle. 


Project Start: 1 September 2022 

Project End: 31 August 2025 


Programme: Horizon Europe research and innovation programme 

Grant Agreement number: 101069705 

Budget: 4.848M EU 

Projektcoordinator: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH 

Consortium Partners

  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH 
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 
  • University of Duisburg-Essen 
  • Sovema Group 
  • RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 
  • Saueressig Group 

Contact people

  • Project coordinator: Katja Fröhlich 
  • CDT coordinator: Veronika Siska 
