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Wiener AAL Testregion

WAALTeR, the Wiener AAL Test Region, addresses demographic and health political challenges, the omnipresent digitalization of today’s society and rests upon Viennese current concepts. WAALTeR develops an integrated system solution based on existing products and prototypes. These solutions are combined to flexible service packages in order to enable an independent, self-determined life for elderly people in their usual environment. Based on the principles of empowerment and participation and the Social Practice Theory, WAALTeR offers scopes of action in 3 integrated service packages (social integration, security and health) interlinked with the cross-sectorial theme of mobility. By supporting the users regarding their individual activity, personal security and health needs, WAALTeR increases their abilities and motivation and enables them to live a more active and self-determined life. Additionally, social integration and participation in public life is improved.

To demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of the approach, 120 households are equipped with assistive technologies ranging from communication services, tele-monitoring to a neighborhood network that provides access to events and allows organizing joint activates.Overarching goal of the project is to evaluate the impact of assistive technologies in daily use along the entire value chain, as well as to develop go-to market strategies involving representatives from businesses and the housing sector as well as stakeholders from research, health care, insurances and the public sector. The results are considered in the further development of existing strategic concepts and strategies of the Smart City Wien. AIT contributes to this project mainly by designing and conducting the longitudinal quantitative field study to investigate the effect of WAALTeR on well-being of the participants at the age of 65+.

Key Words: System integration, empowerment, user evaluation, exploitation strategies, Smart City

Start: 12/2016

Duration: 36 months

Funding Organisation: FFG Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft

Website: http://www.waalter.wien/

AIT-Contact: Markus Garschall

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) and commissioned by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) under the "benefit" program.