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Vanessa Staderini co-organises "Women in Computer Vision" Workshop

Vanessa Staderini, PhD student at the AIT Center for Vision, Automation & Control and passionate scientist in the fields of computer vision, control, and robotics, is a member of the Women in Computer Vision (WiCV) committee at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR). The CVPR is one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of computer vision and image processing. The WiCV Workshop aims to support women working in the field of computer vision.

AIT sponsors the WiCV workshop

Image processing has become one of the largest research communities in computer science. Particularly in recent years, enormous achievements have been made in the fields of object recognition, image understanding, generative AI, video analysis and 3D reconstruction - to which a number of female researchers have made a valuable contribution. Nevertheless, the number of female scientists in this field is very low. 

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is actively involved in increasing the visibility of women in research and acts as a sponsor of the WiCV workshop. In addition, AIT makes an essential contribution as a scientific institution with lectures and broad expertise in the areas of computer vision, control, and robotics. As part of the WiCV organization team, AIT employee Vanessa Staderini promotes women in computer vision and encourages networking, exchange, and cooperation. 

The following goals are set by the WiCV workshop: 

  • Increasing the visibility of women researchers in the field of computer vision by inviting them to present their research. 

  • Giving young female scientists the opportunity to present their work in a poster session.  

  • Sharing experiences and career tips for female students and professionals. 

The half-day workshop on Women in Computer Vision is a meeting for all researchers at all levels who are interested in computer vision. Click here for more information.