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Presentation of the MARNG project at the IMUG conference in Vienna


At the Frequentis International Maritime Usergroup Conference (IMUG), which took place in Vienna in June, Anita Graser, Scientist at the AIT Center for Mobility Systems, presented the first results of the ‘Maritime Next Generation’ (MARNG) project. Representatives of user companies showed great interest and used the conference for in-depth discussions.

The MARNG Expert Advisory Meeting, to which experts from research and industry were invited, took place prior to the conference. Among them was Yannis Theodoridis, Professor of Data Science at the Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, who gave a talk at AIT during his stay in Vienna as part of the AIT Lecture Series.

AIT and Frequentis Maritime have been cooperating for several years in the field of data science / movement data analysis for ship movement data. The MARNG project, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) under the ‘ICT of the Future’ programme, is developing the next generation of Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) for use in ports worldwide. AIT is researching data-driven methods for a wide range of predictions, for alerting in the event of danger or providing information in the event of deviations.

Further information on MARNG