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Industrial Workshop on Solid Lithium Ion Conductors

AIT Mobility hosted workshop on the latest developments in Solid Lithium Ion Conductors

On May, 20th, 2015, AIT Mobility Department, Electric Drive Technologies, hosted a workshop at TechGate in Vienna on the latest developments in Solid Lithium Ion Conductors. These ceramics are being investigated as future all-solid-state electrolytes in lithium ion batteries. Their advantage would lie in safety and environmental friendliness. However, the research is still at the basic stage.

AIT Mobility Department is currently running an FFG- supported project in the field, called “SoLiK”. The project and the results of the first year were presented; then renowned experts in the field from Austria, the UK, and Germany spoke about their recent work in this area. Lively discussions followed each presentation. The full agenda can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/solid-lithium-ion-conductors-tickets-16712374161