Antikörper Testung durch Speichel – Paper „highly cited“
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Automatisiertes Fahren - erfolgreicher Test zur Kollisionsvermeidung
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11. Anwenderkonferenz für Softwarequalität, Test und Innovation - ASQT 2013
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ERIGrid 2.0: 1. Call zur Nutzung 21 europäischer Smart Grids Labore startet
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ERIGrid 2.0 ermöglicht Open-Access für Forschung an der Energiesysteminfrastruktur
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MED1stMR: Praxistests starten Ende Juli
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1st Workshop on Monitoring and Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems
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Last Call for Submissions: 1st Workshop on Monitoring and Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems
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Houskapreis 2021: BOKU SARS-CoV-2-Antikörpertests mit AIT Beteiligung gewinnt 3. Platz beim Publikumspreis
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AIT entwickelt Antikörpertest für SARS-CoV-2
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World diabetes day 2012
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ICT 2013: Create, Connect, Grow
<span lang="EN-US">ICT2013 will bring together Europe's best & brightest in ICT research, with businesses old & new, web start-ups and digital strategists to chart a path for Europe's ICT research [...] research policy. Join us to share your vision for the future with EU policy-makers, and see the latest advances in EU-funded ICT research. <b>More information: <a target="_blank" class="external-l
EuroSun 2014
engineers, architects, and representatives from industry and business will be present to discuss the latest research results, technological developments and business opportunities in solar energy.<span l
Cloudflight Coding Contest 2024
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Autonome Busse noch bis 23. Juni in der Seestadt unterwegs
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Zivilcourage: Julia Himmelsbach im Puls4 Interview
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AIT hebt mit AIRlabs Austria ab
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ÖBB-Testbetrieb mit Wasserstoffzug erfolgreich abgeschlossen
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User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing
Automated Testing - The ETSI User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing offers an ideal opportunity for test designers, engineers working in test specification and automation, novices &testing experts [...] and for test tool and service providers from around the world to come together to see, hear about, share experiences as well as learn about the latest advances in the industrial use of test automation
AIT-Experte Winfried Neuhaus beratendes Mitglied in EU Partnership zur Förderung tierversuchsfreier Methoden
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