Connected Cars – Sicheres Fahren im digitalen Zeitalter
Spezielle selbstlernende Systeme auf Basis modernster „machine learning“ Mechanismen sowie neuartige Testmethoden für sicherheitskritische Software, wie z.B. bei Fahrerassistenzsystemen oder zukünftigen autonomen
A3PS Konferenz – Eco-Mobility 2016 in Wien
Automated Driving“. Dabei geht er u.a. auf die Forschungsaktivitäten am AIT und die Umsetzung von Testfeldern ein, die das automatisierte Fahren in Österreich ermöglichen soll. Datum: 17. – 18. Oktober 20
Last Call for Submissions: 1st Workshop on Monitoring and Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems
deadline was extended to February 21, 2016! MT CPS workshop is intended to be a forum for exchanging the latest scientific trends between researchers and practitioners interested in the field of light-weight [...] For more detailed information about the event, please visit "1st Workshop on Monitoring and Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems"
AIT invites to the Wireless Communications Lecture
topic of 5G Wireless Channel Characterization. Abstract:This talk will provide an overview of the latest trends in radio propagation, in particular in the context of upcoming 5G communication networks.
MASELTOV Final Conference
project, co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Program, studied, developed and tested a prototype integrated App, which aims to address integration related needs of newly arrived immigrants
Direkte Beteiligung: Demokratische Innovationen in Österreich?
PolitikwissenschaftUniv.-Ass. Jeremias Stadlmair, MA, Universität Wien, Institut für Politikwissenschaft Proteste, Petitionen, Volksbefragungen und Volksbegehren – die Bedeutung direkter Beteiligungsformen zur
iStoppFalls Symposium in Cologne
and the collection of physiological data. Through engagement of end-users for the development and testing procedures, iStoppFalls utilizes the humans-in-the-loop approach. The iStoppFalls project provides
AIT auf der Hochtechnologie Veranstaltung ECSEL Austria
Austrian Institute of Technology werden am AIT Demostand neueste Technologien aus den Themenkreisen „Testen komplexer und sicherheitsrelevanter Systeme“ sowie Industrie 4.0 präsentieren. DI Manfred Gruber
PerPart 2015: 2nd International Workshop on Pervasive Participation
concepts for advanced citizen e-participation based on the pervasive computing paradigm utilizing latest mobile technology such as feature-rich smartphones and wearables and appliances embedded in today's
International Software Days / Celtic-Plus Event
International B2B Software Days and Celtic-Plus Event provide a platform to learn more about the latest trends in DIGITAL BUSINESS and to find international cooperation partners for research, technology
During the event, Helmut Leopold, Head of Digital Safety & Security Department at AIT, presents latest reserach activities in the areas of Cybersecurity, Smart Border Control, Intelligent Vision Systems
Crisis and Disaster Management experiment
Austrian Institute of Technology, Austrian Red Cross and Frequentis have recently conducted a field test on the management of unaffiliated volunteers in context of crisis and disaster management scenarios [...] part of a series of research efforts in the context of the EU project DRIVER. The aim of the field test was to evaluate the concept of crowdtasking with respect to: Its usefulness for coordination of u [...] ng crowdtasking implementations. For this purpose, professionals of the Austrian Red Cross were testing the crowdtasking tools at the premises of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology to interact
Quantenforschung - Quantenkryptographie - Quantencomputer
Wir laden Sie herzlich zu einem interessanten Vortrag von einem der international anerkanntesten österreichischen Experten für Quantenforschung, Herrn Dr. Martin Suda, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
1st Workshop on Monitoring and Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems
not limited to): Specification languages for monitoring and testingRuntime verification and monitoringBlack-box and white-box testingMeasuring and statistical information gatheringSimulation-based verification [...] the verification and analysis of CPS. Light-weight verification techniques, such as monitoring and testing, achieve both rigor and efficiency by enabling the evaluation of systems according to the properties [...] aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners interested in the problems of detecting, testing, measuring and extracting qualitative and quantitative properties from CPS behaviors. Topics of interest
Security Document World Conference 2016
national identity cards. AIT Security expert Peter Wild, will highlight insights from an interoperability test comparing security document readers in the European FP7-funded FastPass project; look at technological
shall be submitted via the main <span>ARES</span> submission site. Newsletter Read our latest newsletter on PRISMACLOUD
International Conference on Quantum Cryptography - QCrypt 2015
Maurhart expert at the AIT Digital Safety & Security Department, will host a Workshop about the latest Open Source Software for QKD Post Processing. The main goals of the conference are to represent the
WEGE2025: Abschlusskonferenz
die Identifizierung von Zielen und Inhalten eines Folgeprojekts zur Implementierung einer AAL-Testregion auf der Mühlvierter Alm (OÖ). Mehr dazu unter
AIT at 31st International Epilepsy Congress (IEC)
At the AIT booth, the experts of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology will present the latest technologies in the field of "Biosignal Processing" and will demonstrate an innovative software
10th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems - FORMATS 2012
temporal constraints (scheduling, worst-case execution time analysis, optimisation, model-checking, testing, constraint solving, etc).Applications: Adaptation and specialization of timing technology in application