ABGESAGT: Jahresevent 2020 der Vorzeigeregion Energie
erneuerbarer Energie mit Innovationen aus Österreich machbar und wirtschaftlich sinnvoll ist. Im Green Energy Lab wird Ostösterreich zur Testregion für das zukünftige Energiesystem mit einem signifikant hohen [...] skalierbarer Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Energiezukunft, die für die Kunden Mehrwert stiften. Mit New Energy for Industry (NEFI) wird gezeigt, dass mit in Österreich entwickelten Energietechnologien eine 100%-ige
Digitalisierung in der Industrie:
Intelligence and Related Technologies for Energy Efficiency and GHG Emissions Reduction in Industry) im Technology Collaboration Program (TCP) Industrial Energy-Related Technologies and Systems (IETS) [...] ng der Industrie statt. Die Expert*innen der Technischen Universität Wien und des AIT Center for Energy gaben einen Einblick in die internationale Forschungskooperationen und Forschungsaktivitäten unter [...] Thematischer Koordinator des Reserach Fields Efficiency in Industrial Processes and Systems am Center for Energy AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. „Die Digitalisierung in Industrie und Gewerbe bietet vielv
Friederich Kupzog erhält Role Model Award der IEEE Austria
Friederich Kupzog ist Head of the Competence Unit Electric Energy Systems, Center for Energy und Führungskraft von rund 80 Personen am Center for Energy. IEEE ist die weltweit größte technische Berufsorganisation
European Researcher’s Night 2019
Spitzentechnologie und macht den Bürger*innen Wissenschaft erleb- und begreifbar. Das AIT Center for Energy stellt unter anderem das EU-Project ERIGrid vor, das Forscher*innen den europaweiten Zugang zu Smart
Trendforum Oesterreichs Energie
erste Ergebnisse beim Trendforum von Oesterreichs Energie am 7. März 2019 vom Head of Center for Energy Wolfgang Hribernik präsentiert wurde. Studienpräsentation durch Wolfgang Hribernik (Video)
Green.Building.Solutions. Summer University
from six Austrian Universities and Institutes, bundled in a three-week program in the capital of energy efficient buildings: Vienna. The program introduces international students with technical background
Guest Lecture: Prof. Hatef Madani Larijani (KTH) on energy systems for buildings and cities
We are facing a paradigm shift in energy systems for buildings and cities characterized by: A growing penetration of intermittent and decentralized renewable energy in buildings and cities, Emergence [...] Emergence of millions of households acting as local producers and consumers (prosumers) of the energy, Non-linear dynamic interaction of several systems which are designed, dimensioned, and controlled at the local [...] collected at the local level without any management/coordination, Increased electrification in the energy sectors, from transport to building heating and cooling,Introduction of many Building Management
3. Praxis- und Wissensforum Fernwärme & Fernkälte
Wiltshire, BRE (vertreten durch Andrej Jentsch)Country report for Sweden, Sofia Andersson, Swedish Energy Agency
AIT-Wärmepumpen- und Kältetechnik bei Chillventa
SET-Plan Conference 2018 November 20-21, Vienna
The European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) aims to accelerate the development and deployment of low-carbon technologies. It seeks to improve new technologies and bring down costs by coordinating [...] across Europe by supporting the most impactful technologies in the EU's transformation to a low-carbon energy system. It promotes cooperation amongst EU countries, companies, research institutions, and the EU
ComForEn 2018: „Blockchains für das Energiesystem?“
und 2. Oktober 2018 findet an der Fachhochschule Salzburg das 9. Symposium „Communications for Energy Systems“ - ComForEn - statt. Im Rahmen der ComForEn 2018 laden das AIT Austrian Institute
IRED 2018 in Vienna – History meets Future
International Conference on the Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources – IRED 2018, the future of distributed energy resources and their contribution to power system management and operation [...] on the technical, market, and regulatory issues that challenge the integration of distributed energy resources into the grid. The conference allows to Share status and latest results of research
EERA entwickelt Strategie der europäischen Energieforschung
Universitäten und der Europäischen Kommission diskutieren beim Summer Strategy Meeting der European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) strategische Fragen der europäischen Energieforschung. Das vom AIT organisierte [...] . Als Vice-Chair für die nächsten zwei Jahre gewählt, fungiert Brigitte Bach, Head of Center for Energy am AIT. „Vorrangiges Ziel für die nächsten Jahre ist es, die Kompetenzen der einzelnen Mitglieder
Startschuss für den Innovationscluster „NEFI“
„NEFI – New Energy for Industry“ erhielt am 14. November vom Klima- und Energiefonds den Zuschlag für die Errichtung einer thematischen Vorzeigeregion für Energieinnovationen. Der Innovationscluster hat [...] ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu steigern. Der Klima- und Energiefonds gab bekannt, dass „NEFI - New Energy for Industry“ als eine von drei Vorzeigeregionen ausgewählt wurde, um Energieinnovationen in Österreich [...] standort Österreich“, so Brigitte Bach, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Head of Center for Energy und Leiterin des NEFI Innovationsclusters. Ansprechpartner: Bernhard Gahleitner Presseaussendung
OSCE supports green economy in Kazakhstan
(AIT) and the Energy Ministry aimed to foster co-operation in the area of developing "green" standards and providing training to the national and regional authorities on energy efficiency, energy saving and [...] for a green economy, started on July 12, 2017 in Astana. The two-day event was organized by the Energy Ministry with support of the OSCE Programme Office and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) [...] only as an efficient tool to promote green economic growth but also as a means of contributing to energy security in the Central Asian region,” noted Diana Digol, Deputy Head of the OSCE Programme Office
UN-Conference in Astana: “Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Energy”
2017 “Future Energy” on 10 June 2017 in Astana. The conference focused on energy security, trade and infrastructure, the energy-climate and food nexus, and the development of renewable energy in a regional [...] Schneider from Center for Energy presents at UN-conference The Ministerial Conference “Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Energy” & and the 8th International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development [...] delegations and leading energy experts explored how to drive change, the role of and need for regional cooperation and planning. Astrid Schneider from AIT Center for Energy was invited as an expert and
essentiell zur Validierung der Sonnensimulatoren und des Outdoor-Monitorings, welche im Center for Energy / PVS zum Einsatz kommen. Die Sicherung der hohen Qualität im Rahmen eines internationalen Vergleiches [...] Journalen (wie IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics) publiziert zu werden. Kontakt: Martin Halwachs (PVS/Energy), Weitere Informationen finden sich auf der Homepage: www.intercomparison
IEA ANNEX 51: Acoustic Signatures of Heat Pumps
Austria from Tuesday, June 20th – Wednesday, June 21st 2017. Christoph Reichl from AIT Center for Energy hosted as Operating Agent of the Annex the event at which research institutes from Sweden, France
IIASA research scientists visit AIT
their research scholars from the IIASA Energy Program were visiting on July 21, 2017 the Energy and Mobility AIT laboratories at Giefinggasse premises. The energy- and technology-focused research scientists [...] currently working on their theses in Laxenburg. They showed great interest to receive insights into the energy landscape in Europe and were open for a continuous scientific exchange with researchers from AIT
"SPARKS" - ensuring a safe future
To support the integration of renewable energy sources, the energy grid is being digitalized and transformed into the smart grid. New ICT systems are being introduced that enable the remote monitoring [...] these technologies are integrated solutions that can be used to detect cyber-attacks to renewable energy sources and automatically mitigate their effects. This integrated solution was developed by partners