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International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security - SafeComp 2012

Sep 25
SAFECOMP has contributed to the progress of the state-of-the-art in dependable applications of computers in safety-related and safety-critical systems.

SAFECOMP is an annual event covering the state-of-the-art, experience and new trends in the areas of safety, security and reliability of critical computer applications. SAFECOMP provides ample opportunity to exchange insights and experience on emerging methods, approaches and practical solutions.

The leading theme of the 31st SafeComp conference will be:

  • VIRTUALLY SAFE – making system safety traceable!

The AIT Expert Erwin Schoitsch (Reserach Service Verification and Validation) organized the „Cyber-Physical (Embedded) Systems Workshop“.
The AIT Safety Security Department is one of the co-organizer of this event.

Termin: 25.- 28. September 2012, Magdeburg


SafeComp 2012

