- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/anfuek
surface and the height difference between EJ and surface to prevent damage from snowplows, keep the dynamic impact on the EJ low and ensure high driving comfort. Due to degradation (ruts) the geometric boundary [...] combination with detailed inspection of individual structures. Using numerical calculations, the dynamic impact on the EJ and the influence of the geometry on the expected lifetime of EJ is analyzed. Also
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/assets4rail
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Project Partners
Structural assessment and monitoring
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/structural-assessment-and-monitoring
condition assessments of existing buildings are among AIT's core topics in the field of structural dynamics. Essential structures and bridges can be surveyed by means of continuous monitoring to support building [...] buildings, Patent AT 506144 B1 Method for determining critical operating conditions) Acquisition of the dynamic axle loads and evaluation of the load history Probabilistic analysis algorithms and evaluation of [...] natural hazards (rock impact, earthquake, etc.) In-situ measurement and calculation of static and dynamic component stress (noise barriers, roadway transitions, concrete roadway slabs, etc.) × Kontakt Formular
Structural dynamics and vibration forecasts
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/structural-dynamics-and-vibration-forecasts
Structural dynamics and vibration forecasts Structural dynamics and vibration forecasts Vibration forecasts and vibration measurements are becoming increasingly important - on the one hand, the sensitivity [...] vibration simulation) Structural dynamic measurements and vibration measurements Vibration analyses Vibration tests with vibration exciters of different load sizes Dynamic evaluation of railway bridges Analysis [...] sensitivity of the population to vibrations is increasing, and on the other hand, structural dynamics are playing an increasingly important role in the construction of new traffic routes or in built-up areas
Numerical Methods for Structural Dynamics
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/numerical-methods-for-structural-dynamics
Numerical Methods for Structural Dynamics Numerical Methods for Structural Dynamics Based on many years of experience in the field of vibration management and earthquake-critical infrastructure assessment [...] assessment, the AIT is an internationally renowned partner for dynamic tasks in the areas of risk assessment and complex modelling of structures. Numerical calculations are an important tool for predicting the [...] anical situations, also in combination with model updating from in-situ measurements: Transient dynamic simulations (traffic crossings, earthquake time courses, aerodynamic loads etc.) Impact calculations
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects
Railroad Bridges Dynamics of railroad bridges Dynamics of noise barriers EBA-Lastmodell Development of a new dynamic high speed load model for railway bridges KOMET Methods for determining dynamic parameters
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/nera
of earthquake risks. Guidelines for test execution are necessary to harmonize and disseminate the dynamic test methods. Drafts for this were developed in the project framework for ambiente (natural vibration) [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/laboratories
Infrastructure – Acoustics and Dynamics The AIT has an interactive system of measurement equipment including measurement methods and calculation software for building dynamics measurements, monitoring systems [...] systems (automatic data acquisition and processing) Sensors and vibration generators for building dynamics measurements ( electrodynamic shaker , laser vibrometer, vibration sensors, etc.) Electrodynamic
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/sense
sustainability and recyclability, reduced production costs and a battery management system coupled to dynamic in-cell sensors to enable faster charging. AIT works in collaboration with other partners in SeNSE
Psychoacoustics in the Transport Sector
- /en/research-topics/acoustics-and-noise-abatement-in-the-transport-sector/psychoacoustics-in-the-transport-sector
(2016), 113; S. 89 - 101. I. Mocanu, C. Aichinger, M. Czuka, P. Saleh, A. Fuchs, S. Gasparoni: "Dynamics and Acoustic Behavior Of Electric Versus Combustion Vehicles"; ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France;
- /en/solutions/traffic-safety/safe
accident data Detailed accident root cause analysis based on road condition, road geometry, and driving dynamics Analysis of accident black spots and traffic conflicts utilising data from mobile devices Prediction [...] about vehicles and drivers. In order to evaluate critical driving manoeuvres, we measure vehicle dynamics limits using specially-equipped vehicles. Evaluation of the accident risk and developing future
Motorcycle Probe Vehicle
- /en/solutions/traffic-safety/safe/motorcycle-probe-vehicle
vehicle dynamics of PTWs (Powered Two-Wheelers) Measurements of specific riding manoeuvres Research on the interaction of PTW and road surface Comparison of cars-/trucks-/PTW-vehicle dynamics on the same [...] and dGPS. MoProVe is available for road safety testing of motorbike routes. It enables a driving dynamics analysis based on the respective driving behaviour and interaction with the road infrastructure
- /en/solutions/reliable-transport-infrastructure/vibes
of noise barriers under dynamic load Vibration simulations using MoSeS before and during construction stages Immission forecasts of industrial vibration sources/forecasting dynamic interaction and resonance [...] Structural Dynamics and Assessment × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life
- /en/solutions/reliable-transport-infrastructure/assess
corrosion and material fatigue Analysis of earthquake effects under dynamic time history analysis Probabilistic evaluations of limit states Dynamic impact simulations with rockfall safety assessment Condition [...] structural dynamics Using numerical modelling and calculations, we perform realistic simulations to determine the integrity or vibration behaviour of structures. These include, among others, dynamic time history [...] Structural Dynamics and Assessment × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life
- /en/solutions/reliable-transport-infrastructure/vibes/moses
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Fact Sheet (in
Crack monitoring and evaluation of concrete structures
- /en/solutions/reliable-transport-infrastructure/assess/crack-monitoring-and-evaluation-of-concrete-structures
AIT and TU Graz. The interrogator can now also be used to additionally record strain rates under dynamic loading distributed over the test object using low-cost optical fibers. Measurement system of distributed [...] at the same time. With the interrogator, strains and now also strain rates can be measured under dynamic loading. © https://lunainc.com/product/odisi/ Laboratory tests within the FFG project RIBET with [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Download the
Reliable Transport Infrastructure & Sustainable Mobility
- /en/solutions/reliable-transport-infrastructure
This is offset by increased demands on the structural dynamics of both existing and new, vibration-prone structures. Vibrations and the resulting dynamic effects influence the load-bearing behaviour, service
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/viamotorrad
ViaMotorrad Evaluation of potential hazards for motorcyclists based on vehicle dynamics data Based on analyses of accident data and problem areas reported by motorcyclists, the project viaMotorrad focuses [...] (objective data) and the reported problem areas (subjective perception) with data from driving dynamics, driving behaviour and video analysis (measured with MoProVe) enables a classification of the routes [...] sensors, accelerometers, CAN-Bus reader and dGPS. The research motorcycle is used to analyse riding dynamics based on riding behaviour and interaction with the road infrastructure. The MoProVe is available
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/seed
hand, the aforementioned sources of danger and the driving dynamics of e-scooters are to be analysed in a well-founded manner. The driving dynamics data will be collected and evaluated using objective measurement [...] Current regulations largely place e-scooters on an equal footing with bicycles. From a driving dynamics point of view, however, there are significant differences between these vehicle types. Reports of [...] detailed accident files and not through a simple database query as is usually the case. The driving dynamics differ greatly from bicycles, but even between the different e-scooter models, significant differences
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/ambition
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Project partners
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