Shock and vibration testing of components
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/laboratories/shock-and-vibration-testing-of-components
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/tania
to condition and performance prediction in combination with maintenance treatments Development of dynamic life-cycle process for the decisive construction components as well as for sub-categories Development [...] t of an implementation manual The main part of AIT's work is the extension and determination of dynamic life cycle curves with approaches using machine learning such as random forest classifications. AIT [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Project partners
Accredited vibration measurements
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/laboratories/accredited-vibration-measurements
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Accredited standards
Traffic vibrations of road bridges
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/traffic-vibrations-of-road-bridges
relevant lanes. The dynamic structural properties were verified by vibration measurements. While the deflections and strains of the structure are mainly influenced by the vehicle mass, the dynamic vibration velocities [...] influences on the magnitude of traffic-induced vibrations of a real bridge structure. By means of dynamic time-course passage calculations, those parameters that have the greatest influence on the bridge
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/rail4future
digital image of sections of track. This so-called Digital Twin enables a realistic assessment of the dynamic behavior, condition and long-term changes of the railroad infrastructure, which in turn allows the [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Consortium Business
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/senbridge
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at × Kontakt Formular
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/speed-ft
accompanied embedded monitoring sensor and Falling weight deflector measurements. AIT was focusing on dynamic vehicle overpassing FE-simulations, the structural health monitoring using embedded Fiber optic Sensors [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Project partners
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/olme
deep simulation a model for sound emission for bridges was invented and further proposals on bridge dynamics/acoustics were (successfully) admitted (e.g. Assets4Rail [2018], AcouBridge [2020]). Funded by the
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/sibs
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Project partners
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/translate-to-english-ribet
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Project partners
Probabilistic structural analysis in the life cycle
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/probabilistic-structural-analysis-in-the-life-cycle
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/count
n ZT, Smart Minerals and AIT can refer to comprehensive expertise in the fields of construction dynamics, concrete technology and transport infrastructure and thus jointly develop innovative solutions [...] AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is contributing its expertise in the fields of construction dynamics and vibration forecasting. The AIT experts are thus instrumental in defining a limit value for
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/deeb-infra
resilient railroad infrastructure, explains Alois Vorwagner, Thematic Coordinator for Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering at the AIT Austrian Insitute of Technology: "The extrapolation model co- [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Project partners
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/translate-to-english-eba-lastmodell
Development of a new dynamic high speed load model for railway bridges The high-speed load models HSLM-A and -B, developed in the 1990s, are provided in the Code “EN 1991-2” for a dynamic analysis of railway [...] Measurement of the dynamic characteristics of the vehicles and in deep investigation on damping effects of vehicle/bridge interaction will round up the planned results. The newly developed dynamic load models [...] with respect to the actual dynamic parameters and the vibration responses during train passage. AIT has a leading part for developing the load model. A large-scale dynamic FEM computation, used for finding
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/komet
Combination of excitation, measurement and evaluation methods to determine dynamic parameters of railroad bridges The determination of dynamic properties of railway bridges is important for the assessment of structures [...] Technical University of Vienna aimed at demonstrating the potential and the benefits of assessing dynamic parameters and their non-linear behaviour using forced excitation. Another focus of the project was [...] was made. The project results were used for the new guidelines ÖBB RL 8.01.04 and 8.01.05- Bridge dynamic analysis and measurement of high-speed railway bridges. × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/mosib
bridge on the A23 motorway in Vienna, which was rebuilt in several construction phases. Transient dynamic simulations were used to analyse the influence of the driving speed, vehicle mass and road evenness
Dynamics of railroad bridges
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/dynamics-of-railroad-bridges
Dynamics of railroad bridges The targeted and accurate determination of dynamic properties of railroad bridges (natural frequencies, damping) is an important contribution to the evaluation and recalculation [...] on this problem, AIT and the project partners worked together to reliably determine the relevant dynamic parameters. For this purpose, in addition to the classical excitation methods, various exciters [...] into the structures. The results of the project will be used in the revision of guidelines for the dynamic measurement and recalculation of railroad bridges. Project partners: REVOTEC, TU Wien Institut für
Dynamics of noise barriers
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/dynamics-of-noise-barriers
Dynamics of noise barriers Experience has shown that along high-speed train lines, noise barrier problems in the form of high deformations, fatigue damage and loose noise barrier elements have become more [...] Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at
Structural Dynamics and Assessment
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment
Structural Dynamics and Assessment Structural Dynamics and Assessment Infrastructures and buildings are subject to increasing stress caused by a rise in traffic volume, dynamic loads, ageing of buildings [...] of impacts and dynamic loads. An important research objective of the AIT is to ensure a highly resilient, resource-saving and safe transport network. Vibrations and the resulting dynamic effects influence [...] shock measurements. Research Topics Structural dynamics and vibration forecasts Structural assessment and monitoring Numerical Methods for Structural Dynamics Our Solutions ASSESS Safety analyses and condition
- /en/research-topics/structural-dynamics-and-assessment/projects/assess
into the algorithm to improve the accuracy of detection. As track irregularities lead to increased dynamic loads between the wheels and the rails, these vibrations will be observable in the data of the a
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