- /en/research-topics/integrated-mobility-systems/projects/transportbuddy
investigated these potentials for transportation hubs and has shown that, due to the complexity of the dynamic environmental influences, the open research questions are particularly related to autonomous driving [...] addition, multi-layer planning concepts for navigation were developed and the collision avoidance with dynamic obstacles was significantly improved. For this purpose, new approaches to control autonomous vehicles
Persuasive Urban Mobility
- /en/research-topics/integrated-mobility-systems/projects/persuasive-urban-mobility
, Stibe, A., Seer, S., Dai, C., Schechtner, K., & Chin, R. C. C. (2016):Gamification and social dynamics behind corporate cycling campaigns. International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport
- /en/research-topics/integrated-mobility-systems/projects/translate-to-english-mixme
reproduce dynamic and social interaction yet. MixME is an extended multi-agent social-force simulation model which describes the impact of social and technical interaction of traffic dynamics by establishing [...] establishing fields of force in road spaces similar to physical models in Newton dynamics. It models interaction processes between motorized and non-motorized traffic as well as the effect of infrastructural
BRT System Yangon
- /en/research-topics/integrated-mobility-systems/projects/brt-system-yangon
support this study through a knowledge partnership agreement. The particular focus will be on the dynamics of pedestrian and traffic flows in conjunction with the BRT stations. The study will develop station [...] behavior Develop redesigns including shared space, pedestrianized zones and multifunctional use (e.g. dynamic use of street space) Develop pedestrian facility improvement proposals for management of space (e
Impact of R&D Networks
- /en/research-topics/innovation-dynamics-modelling/projects/impact-of-rd-networks
Betreff * Nachricht * Send PD Dr. Thomas Scherngell Head of Competence Unit Innovation & Industrial Dynamics +43 50550-4569 +43 50550-2201 thomas.scherngell(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/innovation-dynamics-modelling/projects/pref
Betreff * Nachricht * Send PD Dr. Thomas Scherngell Head of Competence Unit Innovation & Industrial Dynamics +43 50550-4569 +43 50550-2201 thomas.scherngell(at)ait.ac.at
- /en/research-topics/innovation-dynamics-modelling/projects/knowmak
projects. In this context, the tool will provide a novel knowledge base for the empirical analysis of dynamics in the European Research Area, both from a policy and a scientific perspective. The business unit [...] Betreff * Nachricht * Send PD Dr. Thomas Scherngell Head of Competence Unit Innovation & Industrial Dynamics +43 50550-4569 +43 50550-2201 thomas.scherngell(at)ait.ac.at This project has received funding from
ACIB Science Dynamics
- /en/research-topics/innovation-dynamics-modelling/projects/acib-science-dynamics
ACIB Science Dynamics This project covered the positioning of ACIB in the international scientific community related to worldwide research activities. We used a scienctometric approach to map and evaluate
Mapping Digitalisierung
- /en/research-topics/innovation-systems-digitalisation/projects/mapping-digitalisierung
digitization of all areas of life is a key challenge for business, society and politics. The high dynamics and the disruptive changes that are emerging in many areas require targeted measures from all players
- /en/research-topics/innovation-systems-digitalisation/projects/i-am-rri
application, mechanical engineering (tooling, automotive , aerospace) and consumer products. The dynamic model shall strengthen the knowledge base for policy orientation regarding promoting innovation.
Austrian Startup Monitor
- /en/research-topics/innovation-systems-digitalisation/projects/austrian-startup-monitor
environment of Austrian startups Start-ups create the markets of tomorrow and are a key factor in the dynamic development of an economy. The Austrian Startup Monitor analyzes the status, prospects and environment
Safety of persons with cognitive challenges in daily living
- /en/research-topics/new-sensor-technologies/situational-awareness-decision-support/safety-of-persons-with-cognitive-challenges-in-daily-living
in the case of falls or accidents. AIT has developed a logic engine that interrelates static and dynamic content information with real-time sensor data to locate the person and compute situational awareness
Optical Sensor Systems for Industrial Processes
- /en/research-topics/new-sensor-technologies/optical-sensor-systems-for-industrial-processes
for Industrial Processes Optical Sensor Systems for Industrial Processes AIT has developed its new dynamic vision sensor (DVS) technology for visual sensing, based on patented, novel vision chips. Key advantages [...] advantages are the simultaneous high temporal resolution (beyond 1000 fps equivalent) and wide dynamic range (120 dB) at low data rate. This results in a unique smart camera, with built-in embedded processing [...] variations Our solutions Feasibility studies / proof of concept of technical solutions using the dynamic vision sensor (DVS) chip prototypes and platforms Development and evaluation of innovative custom
Situational Awareness & Decision Support
- /en/research-topics/new-sensor-technologies/situational-awareness-decision-support
and fusing data from radar, ultrasound and radiation detectors, as well as including static and dynamic context information, facilitates comprehensive situational awareness, source localization and automatic
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/emilia
online and have them delivered within 60 minutes by e-load bike. These short-term orders will be dynamically integrated into the already planned daily routes with the help of a planning tool developed at
- /en/research-topics/dependable-systems-engineering/projects/cybersecpro
(Bachelor and Master). These academic programmes with their static curricula no longer provide the dynamic skills and new capabilities that the market needs. The digital transformation is forcing HEIs to
Runtime Verification
- /en/research-topics/dependable-systems-engineering/verification-validation/runtime-verification
physical environment. They exhibit complex behaviors that typically combine discrete and continuous dynamics. The tremendous complexity of the CPS applications, such as autonomous vehicles, makes full and
Safety & Security Co-Engineering
- /en/research-topics/dependable-systems-engineering/safety-security/safety-security-co-engineering
designs are keeping up with the actual threat landscape. A special focus is on collaborative and dynamic systems. × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht
Adaptiv Systems Analysis
- /en/research-topics/dependable-systems-engineering/verification-validation/adaptiv-systems-analysis
systems relying on AI techniques” in the model-based testing track). More advanced topics such as “dynamic assurance” and “control synthesis for adaptive dependable systems” we have put separately because
Modellbasierte Analyse & digitaler Zwilling in der Produktion
- /en/loesungen/industry-decarbonisation-and-digitalisation/modellbasierte-analyse
von Kernwissen und schnellere Einschulung von neuem Personal Unsere Methoden Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) zur detaillierten Analyse von Wärme- und Stofftransport. Simulation und Entwurf von Steuerungs-
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