Management & Heads of Centers
- /en/contact/management-heads-of-centers
and technology development at a top international level. Andreas Kugi (55) is Professor of Complex Dynamic Systems at the Automation and Control Institute (ACIN) at TU Wien and, together with Andreas Vrabl
Center for Transport Technologies
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-transport-technologies
Monitoring & Assessments Road Safety & Accident Research Acoustics and Noise Abatement Structural Dynamics and Assessment LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen Overview LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum
- /en/sitemap
TRUSTED2 VALU3S Structural Dynamics and Assessment Structural dynamics and vibration forecasts Structural assessment and monitoring Numerical Methods for Structural Dynamics Projects AMBITION ANFÜK ASSESS [...] University Spin-offs Costs of Research Innovation Dynamics & Modelling Projects RISIS ETER Higher Education Research KNOWMAK KNOWSIM ACIB Science Dynamics Multireg PREF Impact of R&D Networks Data Infrastructure [...] ASSESS Assets4Rail COUNT DEEB-INFRA Dynamics of railroad bridges Dynamics of noise barriers EBA-Lastmodell KOMET MOSIB NERA OLME OnboardEU Probabilistic structural analysis in the life cycle Rail4Future
- /en/
Protection in Mobility & Transport Battery Materials & Characterization Battery Technologies Structural Dynamics and Assessment bioresources Biosignal Processing Capturing Experience Cardiovascular Diagnostics [...] efficiency power electronics Hybrid Electric Aircraft Technologies Hybrid Power Plants Innovation Dynamics & Modelling Innovation Policy & Transformation Innovation Systems & Digitalisation Integrated Digital
- /en/research-topics/power-electronics-system-components/projects/powerized
Improving the estimation of remaining useful life (RUL) for industrial drives by adaptively handling dynamic aspects of RUL estimation based on measurement data and enhancing fault analysis through AI models
Thermal Testing & Heat Rise Testing Electrical Components
- /en/solutions/power-system-technologies/high-voltage-and-high-power/thermal-testing-heat-rise-testing-electrical-components
Numerical calculation of thermal stress in electrical components and systems using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), starting in the design phase. Experimental determination of enclosure classification according
Stationary Storage Development
- /en/solutions/power-system-technologies/stationary-storage-development
battery charging, and discharging under full and partial load conditions Measurement of stationary and dynamic MPP tracking efficiency (including EN 50530 tests) Standby and idle consumption Battery: Round-trip [...] load conditions Evaluation of net storage capacity Measurement of battery losses Control System: Dynamic control behavior (step response) Control system accuracy (steady-state error) Further solutions for
SmartEST Lab
- /en/labs/smartest-lab
island grid applications where the inverter must operate synchronously without a grid connection. Dynamic tests Load change behavior: Testing the inverter under sudden changes in load or input voltage (e [...] environments (e.g. salt mist in coastal regions) affect functionality. DC Sources and battery simulation Dynamic PV array simulators The laboratory is equipped with six independent simulators, providing 1500 V
IDC Big Data and Datacenter Transformation Roadshow in Wien
Dynamic route planning for a sustainable balance between flexibility and foresight in efficient transport handling
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Dynamic measurements on Austria's oldest railway bridge
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„Crowd Dynamics“ – Virtual Reality und Simulationen in der FußgängerInnenplanung
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IT-TRANS – IT trends and innovations for public transport
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Passenger Terminal EXPO 2016 in Cologne
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Searched for "dynamical".
Found 235 results in 17 milliseconds.
Displaying results 221 to 235 of 235.