Mobile assistant for individual and cross-transport mobility
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Time-slot management made easy
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Artificial intelligence in process management
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Closer Apart – A Conversation with Bill Buxton
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Manfred Tscheligi receives the prestigious IFIP TC13 Pioneer Award
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3D audio navigation for elderly people
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Digital optimisation tools for people with visual impairments
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"ZeroQ" identifies food and handles payment process
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AIT Workshop at CHI 2021 – Call for Papers
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Digilog 2020
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Distancing Market
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How older people benefit from automated driving technologies
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COVID Pop-up Hub
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Promoting digital skills
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AIT at CHI Play 2020
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Human-Machine-Interfaces in the production of the future
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„Without Experience, no Business“
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CHI Play 2020
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Live-Interview with Israeli Nobel Laureate Dan Shechtman
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