- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/selfie
need for action in this area in order to be able to achieve the climate goals. Electric vehicles use energy much more efficiently than conventional vehicles with combustion engines and therefore play a decisive [...] safety-related problems. These challenges manifest themselves in a particularly pronounced manner in energy-intensive processes such as fast charging or excessive discharging of the battery. In this context [...] experience of an electric vehicle is of central importance. Within SELFIE, a smart, modular, scalable and energy-efficient concept for battery thermal management was developed. An adaptive design of the battery
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/resolve
SOlutions for L-category VEhicles RESOLVE aims at enabling the development of multiple cost-effective, energy efficient and comfortable ELVs (Electric L-category Vehicles) that will primarily attract conventional [...] cater to the average commuter’s needs because of their smaller size, lighter weight, lower on board energy requirement and thus smaller batteries. This in turn supports lower costs and faster recharge. However
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/minded
heat or cold, have a significant impact on range, as air conditioning and heating consume additional energy. This aspect is not only technically relevant, but also has a direct impact on the acceptance of [...] with combustion engines, which use the waste heat from the engine, electric cars have to draw the energy for heating directly from the battery, which can lead to significant losses in range. (c) IVECO In [...] AIT Austrian Institute of Technology initiated the MINDED research project (long title: Thermal and energy Management for INcreased Driving range of an Electric minibus including improved user-centric Design
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/emilia
02/17: Presseaussendung BILLA 09/17: EMILIA gewinnt den VCÖ-Preis EMILIA was funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and implemented as part of the "Lighthouses of E-Mobility" programme.
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/empower
reliability, extended operational lifetime and a modular energy storage, (5) a highly efficient e-drive axle, (6) an optimised thermal and energy management, (7) an optimised heating, ventilation and air [...] or above 40 tons. Both vehicles have an electric powertrain. While in one vehicle the electrical energy is generated by a fuel cell system, which enables a range of 750 km, in the other a battery alone [...] the freshly supplied air. The additional integration of infrared panels is expected to reduce the energy demand for heating/cooling by up to 70% (especially at transition temperatures around +10 °C) Project
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/emotion
strategies have to be developed for cities in order to reduce traffic and thus pollution. Clean and energy-efficient, electrically powered two-wheelers that coexist on the street with cars, bicycles and public [...] L-category vehicles especially for the young (16-18 years) and older (50+) generation. These inexpensive, energy-efficient and comfortable electric two-wheelers are intended to provide drivers of conventional vehicles [...] manufacturing and maintenance costs. In addition, numerous technologies are used that maximize the energy efficiency of electric two-wheelers. Furthermore, the driving experience of the electric two-wheeler
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/nextetruck
component level (e-drive or charging infrastructure) and at vehicle architecture level in terms of energy efficiency, costs, flexibility and environmental friendliness. To achieve its goals, NextETRUCK is [...] project aims to Develop concepts for regional medium-heavy freight transportation that enable an energy efficiency increase of at least 10% compared to the best current electric vehicles. Develop new fleet [...] infrastructure to ensure full electrification in the operation of zero-emission vehicles and optimize energy efficiency. Prepare demonstrators for fast charging stations. Offer new business models to increase
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/quiet
a user-centric designed and EfficienT electric vehicle QUIET aims at developing an improved and energy efficient electric vehicle with increased driving range under real-world driving conditions. This [...] comfort and safety lightweight materials with enhanced thermal insulation properties optimised vehicle energy management The developed technologies will be integrated and qualified in a Honda B-segment electric [...] electric vehicle validator. Among these, a novel refrigerant for cooling, combined with an energy-saving heat pump operation for heating, advanced thermal storages based on phase change materials, powerfilms
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/nextbms
aiming to become climate neutral by 2050 and batteries play a crucial role in this transition to clean energy. The electrification of the European economy and society, both in the transportation sector and in
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/co2-btm
vehicles. By combining the high-/ low temperature and the cooling medium circuits into one system, the energy efficiency as well as the hydrogen consumption are optimized. As conventional approaches cannot be
- /en/research-topics/high-efficiency-power-electronics/projects/empa-trac
segment of carrier vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes. Demonstration phase in realszenaria in the climate energy model region Tullnerfeld-East (KEM) The aim of EMPA-Trac is to engineer and develop a fully electric [...] challenging municipal applications in a demo field test with five municipalities from the Climate & Energy Model Region Tullnerfeld-East participating. Facts EMPA-Trac - Electric Modular Platform Architecture
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/operion
resolution (sample run under three minutes) resulting in increased sample throughput Improvement of the energy density and lifetime of cells by optimizing the electrolyte through the reduction of degradation
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/magnifico
(MIBs) are a promising chemistry to potentially achieve higher energy densities at lower cost than lithium-ion batteries for stationary energy storage applications. This is possible thanks to the natural [...] metal anode will be integrated into an environmentally sustainable 3 V Mg-ion battery for stationary energy storage applications using a high voltage, low-critical raw material MgMn 2 O 4 cathode. Experimental [...] (application temperature) conditions. Phase stability and energetics, defect chemistry, defect formation energies, transport properties, etc. will be computed throughout the project. Combining computational and
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/sense
te composite anode and a nickel-rich Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) cathode to reach a volumetric energy density of 750 Wh/l. Cycling stability is the key challenge for the adoption of this cell chemistry
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/liano
Projectdescription Silicon (Si) is one of the most promising anode materials for next-generation high-energy lithium-ion batteries due to its theoretical charge capacity, which is ten times higher than that [...] synthesized LiF-coated lithium silicide to enable the development of a new stable anode material for high-energy Li ion batteries with higher storage capacities, especially for traction applications. Facts LIANO
- /en/research-topics/battery-technologies/translate-to-english-projecte/tinslib
storage medium of choice for electric vehicles in the future. Properties such as power density, energy density, capacity, cycle stability and cell life are decisive for the operation and performance of
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/realli
battery materials not only have to impress with a significant increase in performance compared to energy storage systems currently available on the market, but also offer a significant reduction in their [...] stabilization of this nickel-rich cathode material, the rapid charging and discharging capability of the energy storage device is improved by the use of lasers to introduce structures into the surface of the electrode [...] production as a side effect. This is particularly advantageous in thick electrode layers for high energy densities. The selection of the optimal structure design is based on simulation. The electrochemical
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/mogli
similar to those found in vehicles. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) as part
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/liplanet
Battery Technologies +43 50550-6084 +43 50550-6595 katja.froehlich(at) Project partners InnoEnergy Technische Universität Braunschweig VDI/VDE/IT ABEE CEA Cidetec EMIRI Project website
- /en/themen/solid-state-batteries/projects/helena
lithium-metal batteries (ASSLMBs) are attracting huge attention because of their high theoretical energy density and much-improved safety. In the development of this technology, a solid-state electrolyte [...] urgent need for action in these areas. Electric vehicles play a decisive role in this, as they use energy much more efficiently than conventional vehicles with combustion engines. However, sustainable e [...] applications. HELENA addresses the pressing need for the development of safe and innovative high-energy efficiency batteries with superior power density. These solid-state battery cells, known as 4b generation