- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/operion
OPERION Real-time monitoring of electrolyte decay processes in high-performance lithium-ion batteries The aim of OPERION is to gain a better understanding of the ageing mechanisms of Generation 3 cell
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/magnifico
MAGNIFICO Development of a protective inorganic interface for using metallic Mg anodes in next-generation Mg-ion batteries Magnesium-ion batteries (MIBs) are a promising chemistry to potentially achie
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/sense
SeNSE Lithium-ion battery with silicon anode, nickel-rich cathode and in-cell sensor for electric vehicles Lithium-ion batteries are the most promising power sources for future transportation. Extendi
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/liano
LIANO Lithium Silicides as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries Evaluate 3-D mesoporous lithium silicide as a viable anode material in Li-ion batteries. Create an effective, stable LiF-coated mes
- /en/research-topics/battery-technologies/translate-to-english-projecte/tinslib
TinSLIB Tin sulfides as high-performance anode materials for Li-ion batteries Optimization of process parameters and electrochemical properties In the project, high purity tin sulfides are developed,
Battery Materials & Characterization
- /en/research-topics/translate-to-english-battery-materials-characterization
Battery Materials & Characterization Battery Materials & Characterization In the area of "Battery Materials Development and Characterisation", new materials that could replace lithium in the future ("
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/realli
RealLi! Realization of optimized Li-Ion batteries for the breakthrough of e-mobility In order to bring about thorough change in the mobility sector regarding sustainable and effective reduction of gre
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/mogli
MOGLI Multiphysical sensor technology for optimizing the operation of lithium-ion batteries (c) TU Graz/EMS The aim of the MOGLI project is to further develop the method of ultrasound diagnostics for
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/liplanet
LiPLANET A network of battery experts LiPLANET’s overall objective is to create a European innovation and production ecosystem. We plan to build a more competitive Lithium battery cell manufacturing e
- /en/themen/solid-state-batteries/projects/helena
HELENA Halide Solid State Batteries for Electric Vehicles and Aircrafts All-solid-state lithium-metal batteries (ASSLMBs) are attracting huge attention because of their high theoretical energy density
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/3believe
3beLiEVe Delivering the 3b-generation of LNMO cells for the xEV market of 2025 and beyond Strengthening the position of the European battery and automotive industry in the future xEV market 3beLiEVe a
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/batwoman
BatWoMan Climate-friendly batteries for the mobility of tomorrow With a share of 30 percent, the transport sector is one of the largest CO 2 emitters, and there is a great need for action in this area
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/dianabatt
DIANABATT Online diagnostics for ageing, safety and reuse of lithium-ion batteries Monitoring electrochemical processes under various operational conditions in Li-ion batteries. Fast sample injector f
Sustainable & Smart Battery Manufacturing
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing
Sustainable & Smart Battery Manufacturing Sustainable & Smart Battery Manufacturing Building safer and greener batteries for future applications We focus on all aspects of sustainable cell production,
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/ecaiman
eCAIMAN European competences are combined in the H2020 research project eCAIMAN which is coordinated by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in order to develop an excellent lithium-ion battery fo
Solid State Batteries
- /en/research-topics/solid-state-batteries
Solid State Batteries Solid State Batteries The research area "Solid State Batteries" deals with a highly promising technology. Solid state batteries do not contain liquid electrolytes (which are flam
- /en/themen/solid-state-batteries/projekte
Projekte HELENA Halide Solid State Batteries for Electric Vehicles and Aircrafts SUBLIME Solid State Sulfide Based Li-Metal Batteries for EV Applications PULSELiON PUlsed Laser depoSition tEchnology f
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-electric-aircraft-technologies/projects/triceps
TRIcEPS Development of integrated engine air intake and protection systems for Tilt Rotor Next Generation Civil Tilt Rotor Leonardo ©Leonardo S.p.A. The NextGenCTR is called to safely operate in harsh
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-electric-aircraft-technologies/projects/solifly
SOLIFLY Multifunctional aircraft components with integrated semi-solid state battery The European SOLIFLY research project led by AIT develops multifunctional aircraft components with structural and e
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-electric-aircraft-technologies/projects/matisse
MATISSE Development of multifunctional structural batteries for future environmentally friendly aircraft Pipistrel PVRK-1 Miniliner concept (c) Pipistrel Aviation is at the center of the climate debat