- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/selfie
SELFIE Self-sustained and Smart Battery Thermal Management Solution for Battery Electric Vehicles With a share of 30 percent, the transport sector is one of the largest CO 2 emitters, and there is a g
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/resolve
Resolve RESOLVE - Range of Electric SOlutions for L-category VEhicles RESOLVE aims at enabling the development of multiple cost-effective, energy efficient and comfortable ELVs (Electric L-category Ve
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/minded
MINDED Maximum range through efficient thermal management The challenges in the field of electric mobility, particularly with regard to the range of electric vehicles, are complex. In addition to batt
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/emilia
Emilia Electric Mobility for Innovative Freight Logistics in Austria Within the framework of the EMILIA lighthouse project, a broad-based consortium led by AIT developed logistics concepts and e-vehic
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/empower
EMPOWER Multi-powertrain for heavy-duty vehicles The goal of EMPOWER (long title: Eco-operated, modular, highly efficient, and flexible multi-powertrain for long-haul heavy-duty vehicles) is to delive
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/emotion
EMotion Electric Mobility in L-Category Vehicles for all generations In order to comply with future emission restrictions, strategies have to be developed for cities in order to reduce traffic and thu
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/nextetruck
NextETRUCK Efficient and Affordable Zero Emission Logistics Through the Next Generation of Electric Trucks The transport industry is responsible for 37% of CO 2 emissions in the EU, with medium-duty t
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/quiet
QUIET QUalifying and Implementing a user-centric designed and EfficienT electric vehicle QUIET aims at developing an improved and energy efficient electric vehicle with increased driving range under r
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/nextbms
NEXTBMS Advanced battery management system for optimized battery usage The EU is aiming to become climate neutral by 2050 and batteries play a crucial role in this transition to clean energy. The elec
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/co2-btm
CO2-BTM CO2-BTM – Combined refrigeration/cooling circuit with environmentally friendly refrigerant CO2 for vehicles with fuel cells The CO2-BTM project targets on increasing the maximum driving range
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/b-pcm
B-PCM b-PCM – Latentwärmespeicher in temperatursensiblen Batteriesystemen The goal of the project b-PCM is to stabilize temperature fluctuation in thermally sensitive traction batteries, commonly used
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/operion
OPERION Real-time monitoring of electrolyte decay processes in high-performance lithium-ion batteries The aim of OPERION is to gain a better understanding of the ageing mechanisms of Generation 3 cell
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/magnifico
MAGNIFICO Development of a protective inorganic interface for using metallic Mg anodes in next-generation Mg-ion batteries Magnesium-ion batteries (MIBs) are a promising chemistry to potentially achie
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/sense
SeNSE Lithium-ion battery with silicon anode, nickel-rich cathode and in-cell sensor for electric vehicles Lithium-ion batteries are the most promising power sources for future transportation. Extendi
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/liano
LIANO Lithium Silicides as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries Evaluate 3-D mesoporous lithium silicide as a viable anode material in Li-ion batteries. Create an effective, stable LiF-coated mes
- /en/research-topics/battery-technologies/translate-to-english-projecte/tinslib
TinSLIB Tin sulfides as high-performance anode materials for Li-ion batteries Optimization of process parameters and electrochemical properties In the project, high purity tin sulfides are developed,
Battery Materials & Characterization
- /en/research-topics/translate-to-english-battery-materials-characterization
Battery Materials & Characterization Battery Materials & Characterization In the area of "Battery Materials Development and Characterisation", new materials that could replace lithium in the future ("
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/realli
RealLi! Realization of optimized Li-Ion batteries for the breakthrough of e-mobility In order to bring about thorough change in the mobility sector regarding sustainable and effective reduction of gre
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/mogli
MOGLI Multiphysical sensor technology for optimizing the operation of lithium-ion batteries (c) TU Graz/EMS The aim of the MOGLI project is to further develop the method of ultrasound diagnostics for
- /en/research-topics/sustainable-smart-battery-manufacturing/projects/liplanet
LiPLANET A network of battery experts LiPLANET’s overall objective is to create a European innovation and production ecosystem. We plan to build a more competitive Lithium battery cell manufacturing e