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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Smart Container Trucking

The project Smart Container Trucking (SmartCT) aims for improving the process of planning and operation for container trucking by automatically detecting truck-status and learning/adaptive tour planning. The methods developed in the previous project CConT - Cooperative Container Trucking for computer aided dispatching will be extended. Two concepts will be implemented which solves practical problems in container trucking:

  • The Smart-Detect technology detects the status of vehicles automatically. Compared to existing systems, our solution does not require any special hardware, but only a standard smartphone placed in the driver’s cab. Actions such as attaching or detaching the chassis will be recognized. Loading times, along with the truck status, are determined accordingly. The drivers are relieved from the input.
  • The Smart-Dispatch technology is a learning algorithm that extracts the knowledge of dispatchers without the need for predefined KPIs. The algorithm is trained with historical data of a carrier and then learns from the dispatcher during operation by memorizing the choices of the generated solutions. This knowledge is processed continuously and stored in the system for future use.

These methods will be tested with industrial partners, analyzed and adjusted. The technological solutions are not only interesting for the project partners, but for the whole container-trucking industry.

The project is funded by the FFG in the call “Mobilität der Zukunft”, from September 2018 to August 2020.