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Competitive Methods to protect local Public Administration from Cyber security Threats

COMPACT is a EU-funded project, that aims to strengthen the cyber-resilience of local public administrations (LPAs). The tools, COMPACT will offer to achieve this encompass risk assessment tools, educations services, monitoring services and knowledge sharing services.

COMPACT will adopt an iterative development, integration, and prototyping strategy, where various system components will be integrated and combined in several phases to implement the overall approach. The project will adopt a service oriented integration approach towards the delivery of the COMPACT platform.

COMPACT services will rely on the evolution of existing systems, frameworks, and prototypes developed in other projects or selected among existing open source software. These solutions will be tailored and extended in order to fulfil the requirements for and implement the COMPACT services, which in turn will be integrated into the COMPACT system.

Key Words: trainings, personalisation, gamification, human factor

Start: 05/2017

Duration: 30 Monate

Customer / Funding Organisation: H2020

Website: https://www.compact-project.eu/de

AIT-Contact: Cornelia Gerdenitsch, Markus Garschall


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 726992.