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Acoustic Properties of Road Surfaces

Tyre-road interaction is the dominant source of noise in road traffic, even at medium speeds. Our research therefore focuses on the road properties in the interaction between tyres and road surface. Our goal is to minimize noise pollution along motorways and thus improve the quality of life of local residents.

By participating in international and national research projects, AIT acoustics experts can draw on sound knowledge and extensive experience in the field of tyre/road noise generation. Special attention is paid to the influence of the road surface. A 3D surface texture scanner was developed at AIT especially for this application, which enables precise scanning of the road surface in flowing traffic. Based on many years of experience in acoustic measurement technology and simulation, a unique coupled modelling of the rolling noise levels generated by the texture is created.

In addition to roadway interaction, the ageing behaviour and long-term effectiveness of low-noise road surfaces is a current research focus. Furthermore, AIT acoustic experts carry out accredited acceptance tests of the acoustic effectiveness and execution quality.

Current research activities

  • Measurements of tyre/road noise and pass-by noise for acoustic characterization of road surfaces
  • Simultaneous data collection and coupled modelling of road surface characteristics as 3D-texture and tyre/road noise
  • Modelling and analysis of tyre-road interaction using sound field simulations and measurement tools regarding noise emission and rolling resistance
  • Analysis of the acoustic aging behavior of low-noise road surfaces and experimental pavements


R. Wehr, A. Fuchs, C. Aichinger: "A combined approach for correcting tyre hardness and temperature influence on tyre/road noise"; Applied Acoustics, Volume 134 (2018), 134; S. 110 - 118.

M. A. Pallas, M. Czuka, M. Conter: "Towards a model for electric vehicle noise emission in the European prediction method CNOSSOS-EU";Applied Acoustics, Volume 113 (2016), 113; S. 89 - 101.

M. Haider, M. Conter, M. Green, B. Schmidt, U. Sandberg: "Status of the EU-Project ROSANNE"; Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 14 (2016), 14; S. 2946 - 2955.

M. Czuka, C. Aichinger, R. Wehr, A. Fuchs, M. Conter:  "Interior acoustics of electric vehicles and its influence on the drivers' speed estimation"; 44th Inter-Noise Congress on Noise Control Engineering, San Francisco; in: "Internoise 2015 Conference on Acoustics Programm and Abstracts Proceedings", I-INCE, (2015), Paper-Nr. 2015/376.

A. Fuchs, M. Conter, R. Wehr, M. Hagmüller, H. Pessentheiner: : "Anwendung von Beamforming für Vorbeifahrtsmessungen"; Konferenz: DAGA 2015, Nürnberg, in: "DAGA 2015 Conference on Acoustics Programm and Abstracts Proceedings", DAGA (2015).

R. Wehr, M. Haider, M. Kriegisch: "Forschungsprojekt OSILAWA - Einfluss der Fahrbahntextur auf das Reifen-Fahrbahngeräusch bei Betondecken"; Konferenz: DAGA 2015, Nürnberg; in: "DAGA 2015 Conference on Acoustics Programm and Abstracts Proceedings", DAGA (2015).

I. Mocanu, C. Aichinger, M. Czuka, P. Saleh, A. Fuchs, S. Gasparoni: "Dynamics and Acoustic Behavior Of Electric Versus Combustion Vehicles"; ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France; in: "22nd Its World Congress Proceedings 2015", ITS-2421 (2015), Paper-Nr. ITS-2421.

M. Czuka, M. Conter, R. Wehr, M. Haider: "Untersuchung der akustischen Wahrnehmbarkeit von Elektrofahrzeugen und Fahrzeugen mit Verbrennungsmotor"; Lärmbekämpfung, Volume 6 (2014), 6; S. 276 - 283.

M. Conter, R. Wehr, M. Haider, S. Gasparoni: "Langstreckenuntersuchungsmethode für die Lärmemissionen von Fahrbahndecken"; Lärmbekämpfung, Ausgage 6 (2010), S. 226 - 234.