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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

FORWIT Science & Innovation Policy Talk

Nov 08
Perspectives for the internationalisation of R&D

The internationalisation of R&D, i.e. the phenomenon of multinational companies carrying out innovation activities outside their home countries, is shaped by global trends - also with an impact on Austria.

The Austrian innovation system is a clear winner of globalisation: half of R&D expenditure in the corporate sector (around € 4.5 billion) is accounted for by subsidiaries of foreign multinational companies.

The lecture will present important trends for the future development of the internationalisation of research and development in the corporate sector and discuss their possible effects on Austria.
Lecture by Senior Scientist Bernhard Dachs (Centre for Innovation Systems & Policy) as part of the FORWIT Science and Innovation Policy Talks.
