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European Mission Forum


The 1st European Mission Forum on 25th of January connected all EU Mission stakeholders and actor groups, like governmental actors, civil society, business sector or research and innovation

The forum was organised within the EU project TRAMI, in which AIT is also involved. TRAMI, the TRAnsnational cooperation on the MIssions approach, is an EU funded project focussed on Making Missions Work by creating Communities of Practice, exchanging knowledge and offering mutual learning.

The event will offer participants an opportunity to learn about other EU-Mission actors from outside their usual networks. EMiF’s agenda focusses on the EU Missions transformative policy approach: it provides a platform for information and interactive exchange to help all stakeholders at European, national and regional level to support the successful implementation of the EU Missions.

The AIT Center for Innovation Systems & Policy organised a session on “Purpose and Perspectives - European Missions Across Policy Areas and Levels”, which was moderated by Matthias Weber (Head of Center).

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